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Table of Contents

Warning: The OpenCCM User's Guide is now split into the following documents:

  1. OpenCCM User's Guide home page
  2. The OpenCCM's Compilation Chain
  3. Generation and implementation rules
  4. The OpenCCM's Execution Chain
  5. Demonstrations
  6. Writing an application with OpenCCM
  7. Writing CCM XML meta files

Writing an application with OpenCCM

This section describes how to write an application with OpenCCM. To illustrate this purpose, we will explain the development process on the demo1 example.

Defining components and home with OMG IDL 3.0

Firstly, you must define interfaces, components and their homes in an OMG IDL 3.0 file.

$ cat demo1.idl3
module demo1
     * Interface for synchronous communications between components.
    interface Display
         * Print a string text.
         * @param text The string text.
        void print(in string text);

     * The Client component type.
    component Client
        /** The identifier name property. */
        attribute string the_name;

         * The receptable to_server to connect the Client component
         * to a Display object or facet reference.
        uses Display to_server;

     * Simple home for instantiating Client components.
    home ClientHome manages Client

     * The Server component type.
    component Server
        /** The identifier name property. */
        attribute string the_name;

        /** The facet for Clients components. */
        provides Display for_clients;

     * Simple home for instantiating Server components.
    home ServerHome manages Server

For more details, see the CORBA Component Model Specification.

Defining component and home compositions with OMG CIDL

Currently, only session and service compositions are supported (entity compositions will come soon).

You must declare a composition for each component implementation, e.g.:

$ cat demo1.cidl
module demo1
    composition session ClientSessionComposition
        home executor HomeImpl
            implements ClientHome;
            manages ComponentImpl;

    composition session ServerSessionComposition
        home executor HomeImpl
            implements ServerHome;
            manages ComponentImpl;

Here, HomeImpl is the home executor skeleton class name and ComponentImpl is the component executor skeleton class name. Executors have the same name in the two compositions, but it does not care because each composition is mapped to a different module.

Compiling and generating code with OpenCCM

Now, we can generate from previous .idl3 and .cidl files.

  • Starts the OpenCCM's Interface Repository:
    $ ir3_start

  • Feeds the OpenCCM's Interface Repository with an OMG IDL 3.0 file:
    $ ir3_feed demo1.idl3

  • Generates OMG IDL 2.x mapping for the demo1 module:
    $ ir3_idl2 -o demo1.idl ::demo1

  • Generates OpenCCM's skeletons for the demo1 module:
    $ ir3_java ::demo1

  • Generates CIDL based component executor skeleton interfaces and implementations:
    $ cidl_cif -o demo1_cif.idl -d generated demo1.cidl

  • Stops the OpenCCM's Interface Repository:
    $ ir3_stop

Implementing "business" code

With CIDL/CIF, you do not have to matter with non-business code. It can be generated automatically. Your only preoccupation is to extend the CIDL generated skeletons, e.g. "ComponentImpl" in this case.

Demo1 implementation with CIF

All interfaces implemented by the component are already specified in the component skeleton, so you just have to extend the skeleton. Then you must implement the body of the operations.


  • Generates CORBA 2.x stubs:
    $ jidl demo1.idl
    $ jidl demo1_local.idl
    $ jidl demo1_cif.idl

  • Compiles generated Java CORBA 2.x stubs.

  • Compiles generated Java OpenCCM skeletons.

  • Compile all Java implementation sources.

  • Build the Java archive.

XML and deployment

See Writing CCM XML meta files.

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