OpenCCM - Deployment documentation

Table of Contents

Warning: The OpenCCM User's Guide is now split into the following documents:

  1. Environment for using OpenCCM
  2. The OpenCCM's Compilation Chain
  3. Generation and implementation rules
  4. The OpenCCM's Execution Chain
  5. Demonstrations
  6. Writing an application with OpenCCM
  7. Writing CCM XML meta files
  8. Using deployment functionnalities
  9. Browsing and managing your application
  10. The Persistent State Service

Using deployment functionnalities

With the OpenCCM 0.7 release, several new deployment functionnalities come. Now the Assembly, AssemblyFactory, ServerActivator, HomeFinder interfaces are supported. The main changes for the OpenCCM use is the possibility to execute new scripts to exploit those functionnalities. In another part a minor change occured in deployment .CAD file, i.e. the tag destination supports new formats to refer to targets.

Deployment functionnalities

  • Assembly:

    Supporting this new functionnality is quite transparent for XML deployment use. The main difference consists in supporting new tags such as <homeinterface> <componentsupportedinterface> <existinginterface> <registerwithhomefinder> <findby>. In another part more component properties are supported now all primary types can be set with .CPF XML file.

    Warning: Tags related to the Trading Service are not supported currently.

  • AssemblyFactory:

    The AssemblyFactory is in charge to provide Assembly for the deployment application. For example, it is used for HomeFinder deployment. The Deployment Application now uses the AssemblyFactory to deploy application. Only one AssemblyFactory per domain is required to deploy an application.

  • HomeFinder:

    The implementation of the HomeFinder is done such as a component. So the HomeFinder component provides the Registration and HomeFinder interfaces. The HomeFinder component can be retrieved using the Name Service. It can also be connected to another component such as a classic component.

  • ServerActivator:

    A ServerActivator is in charge to start component servers. It must be started with a ComponentInstallation required by the started component servers and their containers.

  • ComponentInstallation:

    The ComponentInstallation is a functionnality already present in the OpenCCM 0.6 release but it could not be launched independently of a component server. Now splitting between these two entities allows one to start ComponentInstallation independently.

  • Node:

    A Node is a computer representation in a domain. A Node provides all the services required to install components. That is to say AssemblyFactory, ServerActivator, and ComponentInstallation. Many nodes can be started on the same computer. So to start a node, a node name must be set. It will identify the node during the deployment. This node name will be used to identify the services started.

Deployment scripts

Script nameDescription
factory_start factory_name Start an AssemblyFactory deployment service. It is required that the Name Service was started previously. Then the started AssemblyFactory instance is registered into the Name Service under the name factory_name. Several AssemblyFactory instances could run simultaneously on one or several hosts if each has a distinct factory_name.
factory_stop factory_name Stop the AssemblyFactory named factory_name and unbind it from the Name Service.
finder_start Start the HomeFinder deployment service. It is required that the Name Service was started previously. Then the started HomeFinder is registered into the Name Service.
finder_stop Stop the previously started HomeFinder.
activator_start activator_name Start a ServerActivator deployment service. It is required that the Name Service was started previously. Then the started ServerActivator instance is registered into the Name Service under the name activator_name. Several ServerActivator instances could run simultaneously on one or several hosts if each has a distinct activator_name.
activator_stop activator_name Stop the ServerActivator named activator_name and unbind it from the Name Service.
ci_start component_installation_name Start a ComponentInstallation deployment service. It is required that the Name Service was started previously. Then the started ComponentInstallation instance is registered into the Name Service under the name component_installation_name. Several ComponentInstallation instances could run simultaneously on one or several hosts if each has a distinct component_installation_name.
ci_stop component_installation_name Stop the ComponentInstallation named component_installation_name and unbind it from the Name Service.
node_start node_name Execute factory_start node_name, ci_start node_name and activator_start node_name.
node_stop node_name Execute factory_stop node_name, ci_stop node_name and activator_stop node_name.
tear_down assembly_name Tear down the assembly assembly_name currently running.

Deployment scheduling

To use all the deployment functionnalities firstly you have to execute the factory_start script. It will launch the AssemblyFactory needed to start the HomeFinder. Secondly you have to start the HomeFinder with the finder_start script. It will be deployed will the deployment infrastructure using the assembly factory. Finally you can start nodes which will run ServerActivators an ComponentInstallations. Those nodes will be used in your application deployment, just precising node names such as Homeplacement destination, i.e. NODE:NodeName.


  • Before deploying an application using the HomeFinder you must check yourself that the HomeFinder is started and referenced in the Name Service.

  • To start HomeFinder requires that an AssemblyFactory was started previously.

  • All those scripts require that the Name Service was started previously.

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