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Table of Contents

Warning: The OpenCCM User's Guide is now split into the following documents:

  1. Environment for using OpenCCM
  2. The OpenCCM's Compilation Chain
  3. Generation and implementation rules
  4. The OpenCCM's Execution Chain
  5. Demonstrations
  6. Writing an application with OpenCCM
  7. Writing CCM XML meta files
  8. Using deployment functionnalities
  9. Browsing and managing your application
  10. The Persistent State Service

The console description

The OpenCCM Browser is a graphical console tool for browsing and interacting with components at runtime. To start this console, use the ccm_browser script (see here for more information). This one tries to browse the NameService and the InterfaceRepository if they are started.

Here is an example of the OpenCCM console GUI managing the demo3 demo:

OpenCCM Browser example

Available CORBA customizations

This part describes the personalization concerning the CORBA objects. In fact, what is happening when the console finds a CORBA object.


Expanded node view

Displays the list of the initially available CORBA object references, such as NameService and InterfaceRepository.


Expanded node view

Shows the current set of all children POAs of the given POA.

org.omg.CORBA.Container (i.e. Interface Repository)

Expanded node view

Lists the content of the given container.

org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContext (i.e. NameService)

Expanded node view

Gives the list of binding objects from the given naming context.

Available Actions

Action nameDescription
Bind an object Binds an object into the naming context. You must specify the key for the object, and an entry representing the object you want to bind, either an IOR file from your own file system or an existing object from the browser tree. You can only bind a CORBA Object.
Unbind Unbinds the CORBA object from the given naming context.

Available CCM customizations

This part details the personalization concerning the CORBA Component Model objects.


Expanded node view

Provides the references to ComponentServer and ComponentInstallation objects.


Available Actions

Action nameDescription
Install This operation installs a component on a particular host where the ComponentInstallation object resides. You have to specify a reference name (UUID) and a file pointing to the location of the component package (cf. ::Components::Deployment::ComponentInstallation::install).


Expanded node view

Displays all created container references.

Available Actions

Action nameDescription
Create Container Creates a new container instance (cf. ::Components::Deployment::ComponentServer::create_container).
Remove from ComponentServer Removes the container from its ComponentServer (cf. ::Components::Deployment::ComponentServer::remove_container).


Expanded node view

Gives the list of CCMHome managed by the container. It displays the OMG IDL home type as key.

Available Actions

Action nameDescription
Install a Home Installs a new home into the container. You have to specify the UUID and the entry point parameters used by the container to locate an implementation file and instantiate a new home object. (cf. ::Components::Deployment::Container::install_home)
Remove Removes the container (cf. ::Components::Deployment::Container::remove).
Remove from Container Removes the given home from the container (cf. ::Components::Deployment::Container::remove_home).


Expanded node view

Provides the list of components managed by the given home. It displays the OMG IDL component type as key.

Available Actions

Action nameDescription
Remove Removes the home (cf. ::Components::CCMHome::remove).
Remove from home Removes the given component from its home (cf. ::Components::CCMHome::remove_component).


Available Actions

Action nameDescription
Create a new Component Creates an instance of the component type associated with the home (cf. ::Components::KeylessCCMHome::create_component).


Expanded node view

Displays the description of the all component's ports.

Available Actions

Action nameDescription
Complete Configuration This operation indicates that the given component configuration is completed. This one has to be sufficiently configured (cf. ::Components::CCMObject::configuration_complete).
Remove Removes the given component (cf. ::Components::CCMObject::remove).


Expanded node view

Gives all the connections of the given receptacle.

Available Actions

Action nameDescription
Connect Connects an interface to the given receptacle. You have to select it from the browser tree (cf. ::Components::Receptacles::connect).
Disconnect Disconnects the connected reference from the receptacle (cf. ::Components::Receptacles::disconnect).


Expanded node view

Gives all the consumers of the given publisher.

Available Actions

Action nameDescription
Subscribe Add a new subscriber to the publisher event source. You have to select it from the browser tree (cf. ::Components::Events::subscribe).
Unsubscribe Remove the given subscriber from the publisher subscriber list (cf. ::Components::Events::unsubscribe).

The demos3 customizations

Here is the list of of the added personalization for demo called demo3.


Expanded node view

Gives all the Server components managed by this home, displaying with the name attribute.

Action nameDescription
Create a new Server Creates a Server component with a specific name.


Expanded node view

Gives all the Client components managed by this home, displaying with the name attribute.

Action nameDescription
Create a new Client Creates a Client component with a specific name.


Expanded node view

Gives all the Consumer components managed by this home, displaying with the name attribute.

Action nameDescription
Create a new Consumer Creates a Consumer component with a specific name.

Warning: Note that the demo1 and the chat demos have the same personalizations.

The dinner demo customizations

Here is the list of the added personalization for demo called dinner.


Expanded node view

Gives all the Philosopher components managed by this home, displaying with the name attribute.

The filetransfer customizations

Here is the list of the added personalization for demo called filetransfer.


Expanded node view

Gives all the TV components managed by this home, displaying with the the_name attribute.

Action nameDescription
Create a new TV Creates a TV component with a specific name.


Expanded node view

Gives all the Channel components managed by this home, displaying with the the_name attribute.

Action nameDescription
Create a new Channel Creates a Channel component with a specific name.


Expanded node view

Gives all the Program components managed by this home, displaying with the the_name attribute.

Action nameDescription
Create a new Program Creates a Program component with a specific directory containing the pictures to broadcast.

How to write your own plugin?

In order to help you to write customization of your own application, a user's guide will be written soon. Before that, you can take inspiration from the existing demo personalization.

Copyright © 1999-2005, ObjectWeb Consortium | contact | webmaster | Last modified at 2005-07-07 02:04 PM