OpenCCM - Demonstrations

Table of Contents

Warning: The OpenCCM User's Guide is now split into the following documents:

  1. Environment for using OpenCCM
  2. The OpenCCM's Compilation Chain
  3. Generation and implementation rules
  4. The OpenCCM's Execution Chain
  5. Demonstrations
  6. Writing an application with OpenCCM
  7. Writing CCM XML meta files
  8. Using deployment functionnalities
  9. Browsing and managing your application
  10. The Persistent State Service


The following demonstrations are available:

demo/helloThis illustrates the classical Hello World application showing how component-unaware clients could create a server component and use a facet provided by this one.
demo/demo1This illustrates a simple clients / server application showing how client components could be connected by a receptacle to a facet provided by a server component.
demo/demo2This illustrates a simple producer / consumers application showing how a producer component could push events by an event source to a set of event consumer sinks.
demo/demo3This illustrates a simple clients / server-producer / consumers application showing how a component can simultaneously be a server providing a facet and a producer with an event source.
demo/dinnerThis illustrates the philosopher's dinner with Philosopher, Fork and Observer components. Philosophers try to acquire both forks to eat and publish events with their state to observer components. This demo was used at 2002 Yokohama (Japan) and Orlando (USA) OMG Meetings to show interoperability between CCM implementations.
demo/chatThis illustrates a chat demonstration showing how client components use a facet provided by a server component to display text and how the server component could push events (all entered texts) to all clients.
demo/filetransferThis illustrates a file transfer application based on three component types. Program components manage and send images to Channel components. Channel components receive images from Programs and send these images to TV components. The TV components are deployed on user's device and images are displayed and/or stored.

Each demonstration (except for the filetransfer demonstration) contains both monolithic based (deprecated) and CIDL based component implementations.

Compiling a demonstration

To compile a demonstration, do the next steps:

  1. Go to the associated directory.
  2. Execute the following command on Unix systems:


    or on Windows systems:

    $ build.bat

This compiles both the monolithic based (deprecated) and CIDL based component implementations of each demonstration.

Starting a demonstration

To start the demonstration, execute one of the following scripts:

bin/start_java The demonstration deployment is done by a Java program.
By default, this deploys the CIDL based component implementations.
bin/start_java --ots The demonstration deployment is done by a Java program and uses a transactional service.
bin/start_java --trace The demonstration deployment is done by a Java program and uses a trace service.
bin/start_java --xmlThe demonstration deployment is done by the ccm_deploy tool and uses the CCM XML files from the META-INF/ directory.
bin/start_java --monolithicThe demonstration deployment is done by a Java program and uses the monolithic based component implementations (deprecated).
bin/start_jishThe demonstration deployment is done by a Java IDLScript engine.
bin/start_csshThe demonstration deployment is done by a CorbaScript engine.

Warning: bin/start_java --monolithic is deprecated but the Component Implementation Framework allows you to implement components both with the monolithic and segmented strategies.

Note that for the filetransfer demonstration, the demonstration deployment is always done by the ccm_deploy tool. Just type bin/start_java to start it (--xml is implicit and not required here).

Note also that for the hello demonstration, you have also to do:

  1. bin/install_java or

    bin/install_java --ots (required bin/start_java --ots) or

    bin/install_cssh or


  2. bin/run_java or

    bin/run_cssh or


Then, have fun with the demonstrations...

Stopping a demonstration

To stop the demonstration, execute respectively:

  • bin/stop_java,
  • bin/stop_jish, or
  • bin/stop_cssh.

Note that to execute the demonstrations from Java IDLscript or CorbaScript, it is required that these scripting engines are accessible through the PATH environment variable.

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