OpenCCM - OpenCCM Installation Guide

Table of Contents

  1. Availability
    1. Requirements
    2. Extra requirements
    3. Currently supported ORBs
    4. Currently fully supported configurations
  2. Distribution
    1. Extracting the contents of the OpenCCM archive
    2. The contents of the OpenCCM archive
  3. Configuration instructions
  4. Compilation instructions
    1. Compiling OpenCCM
    2. Generating OpenCCM documentation
    3. Compilation results
  5. Installation instructions
    1. Installing OpenCCM
    2. Installation result
  6. Installation instructions for PDA under Windows CE
    1. Requirements
    2. OpenCCM distribution architecture for PDA
    3. Installing OpenCCM on a PDA
    4. Running an OpenCCM server on your device



To work correctly, OpenCCM has the following mandatory requirements:

  • A full Java CORBA 2.4 ORB product, and
  • A Java Development Kit.

Extra requirements

You may have to provide the following requirements:

  • If you want to regenerate the OpenCCM IDL/PSDL/CIDL parser, you need to install the JavaCC tool, but this is not a mandatory requirement.
  • If you want to generate the detailed OpenCCM APIs, you need to have the doxygen tool.
  • If you are using the OpenORB product and if you want to use the OpenCCM's transactions facilities, you need to have OpenORB OTS libraries according to your OpenORB version number.
  • If you want to use IDLscript deployment scripts for OpenCCM demonstrations, you need to have an IDLscript interpreter (you can have a look to CorbaScript or Java IDLscript).
  • If you want to use the Persistent State Service (for PSS demonstration), you need to have a JDO implementation. At this time only Kodo JDO is supported. Speedo will be supported as soon as possible.

Currently supported ORBs

ORB nameURL for downloading
Borland Enterprise Server 5.0.2 and 5.2 for Java
ORBacus 4.1.x for Java
The Communauty OpenORB 1.2.1, 1.3, 1.3.1 and 1.4

Currently fully supported configurations

ORB name and releaseOperating systemJava compiler
Borland Enterprise Server 5.0.2 for JavaLinuxSUN JDK 1.3.1
Borland Enterprise Server 5.0.2 for JavaWindowsSUN JDK 1.3.1
ORBacus 4.1 for JavaLinuxSUN JDK 1.3.1
ORBacus 4.1 for JavaLinuxSUN J2SDK 1.4.0
ORBacus 4.1 for JavaWindowsSUN JDK 1.3.1
ORBacus 4.1 for JavaWindowsSUN J2SDK 1.4.0
ORBacus 4.1 for JavaSolarisSUN JDK 1.3.1
OpenORB 1.2.1LinuxSUN JDK 1.3.1
OpenORB 1.2.1LinuxSUN J2SDK 1.4.0
OpenORB 1.2.1WindowsSUN JDK 1.3.1
OpenORB 1.2.1WindowsSUN J2SDK 1.4.0
OpenORB 1.2.1SolarisSUN JDK 1.3.1
OpenORB 1.3.0LinuxSUN J2SDK 1.4.0
OpenORB 1.3.0WindowsSUN JDK 1.3.1
OpenORB 1.3.0WindowsSUN J2SDK 1.4.0
OpenORB 1.3.0SolarisSUN JDK 1.3.1
OpenORB 1.4.0LinuxSUN J2SDK 1.4.0
OpenORB 1.4.0WindowsSUN J2SDK 1.4.0


Extracting the contents of the OpenCCM archive

  • On a Unix like system:

    Execute the following commands in a shell window to extract the contents of the OpenCCM archive:

    1. Uncompress the archive file:

      $ gunzip OpenCCM-0.7.tar.gz
    2. Untar the archive file:

      $ tar xvf OpenCCM-0.7.tar
  • On a Microsoft Windows system, you can use a tool such as WinZip to extract the contents of the OpenCCM archive.

WinZip is a registered trademark of WinZip Computing, Inc.

The contents of the OpenCCM archive

The OpenCCM archive contains the following directories and files:

 build.batWindows script for Ant compilation process.
 build.shUnix script for Ant compilation process.
config/ The configuration directory.
 BES-5.0.2/BES-5.0.2 configuration dependencies.
 BES-5.2/BES-5.2 configuration dependencies.
 JacORB-1.4/JacORB-1.4 configuration dependencies.
 OpenORB-1.2.1/OpenORB-1.2.1 configuration dependencies.
 OpenORB-1.3.0/OpenORB-1.3.0 configuration dependencies.
 OpenORB-1.4.0/OpenORB-1.4.0 configuration dependencies.
 ORBacus-4.1/ORBacus-4.1 configuration dependencies.
 Monolog/ObjectWeb Monolog configuration dependencies.
demo/ OpenCCM demonstrations directory.
 chat/This illustrates a chat application.
 common/Common build files and execution scripts for all demonstrations.
 demo1/This illustrates a simple clients / server application.
 demo2/This illustrates a simple producer / consumers application.
 demo3/This illustrates a simple clients / server-producer / consumers application.
 dinner/This illustrates the philosopher's dinner.
 filetransfer/This illustrates a file transfer application.
 hello/This illustrates the classical Hello World application.
 pss/Persistent State Service demonstration.
doc/ The OpenCCM documentation directory.
 CHANGESOld change log.
 COPYRIGHTCopyright notice.
 html/A local copy of the whole OpenCCM web site.
 LICENSELesser GNU Public License.
externals/ OpenCCM external dependencies.
 ant/ The Apache/Jakarta Ant compilation tool.
 apollon/ The ObjectWeb Apollon XML DTD to GUI generation tool.
 cpp/ The MinGW Windows C/C++ preprocessor (1.0.1-20010726).
 jdo/The Java Database Objects (JDO) library.
 jidlscript/The Java IDLscript library.
 monolog/The ObjectWeb Monolog project.
 ots/OpenCCM external dependencies on Transaction Service.
 velocity/OpenCCM external dependencies on Velocity.
 winprocess/Common applications to manage processes under Windows: exec, kill, ps.
 xerces/The Apache Xerces XML parser.
 xml_dtd/OpenCCM external dependencies on XML DTD.
src/ The OpenCCM source code directory.
 ant/The OpenCCM Ant files directory.
 cpp/The OpenCCM C++ source code directory.
 doxygen/The OpenCCM doxygen config directory.
 dtd/The OpenCCM XML DTD files directory.
 idl/The OpenCCM OMG IDL files directory.
 java/The OpenCCM Java source code directory.
 PDA/The OpenCCM distribution for PDA.
 resources/The OpenCCM resource (e.g. icons) directory.
 unix/The OpenCCM Unix scripts directory.
 windows/The OpenCCM Windows scripts directory.
 winprocess/Utilities source code to manage processes under Windows (Visual Studio project).
 xml/The OpenCCM XML files directory.
test/ The OpenCCM test files.
 idl/The OpenCCM IDL test files.
 ir3/The OpenCCM Interface Repository test files.
 psdl/The OpenCCM PSDL test files.
 runtime/The OpenCCM runtime test files.
 various/Various OpenCCM test files.
 sample.cidlThe OMG CIDL sample file used in the OpenCCM's User Guide.
 sample.idl3The OMG IDL 3.0 sample file used in the OpenCCM's User Guide.
 sample.psdlThe OMG PSDL sample file used in the OpenCCM's User Guide.
web/ The OpenCCM Web pages.

Configuration instructions

To configure and compile OpenCCM, you must have already installed an OpenCCM supported ORB product.

Then configuring OpenCCM requires:

  1. To check if the JAVA_HOME shell variable is correctly set to the JDK you will use.

  2. To go into the OpenCCM root directory, just do (on Unix or Windows systems):

    $ cd OpenCCM-0.7/openccm
  3. To start the Ant tool a first time, just do on Unix systems:


    or on Windows systems:

    $ build.bat

    As result, the file is generated in the OpenCCM root directory.

  4. To edit the generated file and set the following variables:

    Variable nameDescription
    ORB.nameThe name of your favorite ORB product.
    install.dirThe directory where the OpenCCM platform will be installed.
    ORB.home.dirThe directory where the used ORB is installed.
    NS.home.dirThe directory where the used Name Service is installed.
    OTS.home.dirThe directory where the used Transaction Service is installed.
    cpp.compilerThe path to an installed C/C++ preprocessor. If not set, then OpenCCM compilers will use a Java-based preprocessor by default.
    javacc.dirThe directory where is installed. Only required for compiling the OpenCCM's OMG IDL / PSDL / CIDL Parser.jj file and/or for generating the parser documentation.
    JDO.impl.nameThe name of your favorite ORB product. Only required for compiling and running PSS demonstration.
    JDO.impl.versionThe version of your favorite ORB product. Only required for compiling and running PSS demonstration.
    JDO.impl.prop.dirThe directory where your jdo property file is stored (e.g. Only required for compiling and running PSS demonstration.
    JDO.impl.home.dirThe directory where the used JDO implementation is installed. Only required for compiling and running PSS demonstration.
    JDBC.driver.jarThe full path to the JDBC driver jar file used to access your DataBase. Only required for compiling and running PSS demonstration.

Compilation instructions

Compiling OpenCCM

After configurating OpenCCM, just do on Unix systems:


or on Windows systems:

$ build.bat

Generating OpenCCM documentation

To generate OpenCCM APIs documentation you must have already installed the Doxygen tool. Then, just do:

$ doc


$ build.bat doc

Compilation results

After compilation, a directory is created according to the name of the used ORB product. It contains the following directories and files:

bin/ All generated binaries.
classes/ All compiled Java classes.
doc/ All generated documentation.
dtd/ All XML DTD files.
externals/ All external used Java archives.
generated/ All generated Java source files.
idl/ All OpenCCM's OMG IDL files.
jar/ All OpenCCM's merged Java archives.
lib/ All OpenCCM's generated Java archives.
resources/ All OpenCCM's resource files (e.g. icons).
templates/ All generator's template files.
xml/ All XML files for the launcher or the GUIs.

Installation instructions

Installing OpenCCM

Execute the following command to install OpenCCM:

$ install


$ build.bat install

Installation results

After installation, the following directories and files are created in the configured install.dir directory:

bin/ All OpenCCM's binaries and scripts.
See User's Guide for more information.
 envi_OpenCCM.batThe environment file for using OpenCCM from Windows shells.
 envi.OpenCCM.shThe environment file for using OpenCCM from Unix shells (sh, bash, etc).
 envi.OpenCCM.cshThe environment file for using OpenCCM from Unix C-shells (csh, tcsh, etc).
doc/ All OpenCCM's documentation.
dtd/ All OpenCCM's XML DTD files.
externals/ All external Java archives.
idl/ All OpenCCM's OMG IDL files.
jar/ All OpenCCM's merged Java archives.
resources/ All resource files (e.g. icons).
templates/ All generator's template files.
xml/ All XML files for the launcher or the GUIs.

Installation instructions for PDA under Windows CE


As for any other environment, the OpenCCM distribution for PDA needs an installed JVM and ORB to work correctly. In the following distribution, the OpenCCM command scripts are written for ORBacus-4.1 and the IBM J9 Java Virtual Machine for Pocket PC. However you can use any of supported ORBs or JVM for your device by easily adapting these scripts.

Moreover to run the following provided scripts, you need to install PocketConsole v1.3 on your PDA.

OpenCCM distribution architecture for PDA

The OpenCCM distribution architecture for PDA is the following:

archives/ All compiled Java archives of CCM applications.
bin/ All OpenCCM's binaries and scripts.
 envi_OpenCCM.batThe environment file for using OpenCCM from Windows CE shells.
 ccm_install.batInstalls the OpenCCM's Configuration Repository by creating the OpenCCM_CONFIG_DIR directory.
 jcs_start[n].batStarts (manually) an OpenCCM's Java Component Server.
For instance, jcs_start1 starts an OpenCCM's Java Component Server named ComponentServer1.
 ci_start.batStarts an OpenCCM's ComponentInstallation with by default the name of the host.
 activator_start.batStarts an OpenCCM's ServerActivator with by default the name of the host.
 ccm_server.batStarts both an OpenCCM's ComponentInstallation and ServerActivator.
externals/ All external Java archives.
jar/ All OpenCCM's merged Java archives.
lib/ The OpenCCM Runtime for PDA Java archive.
xml/ All XML files for the launcher.

Installing OpenCCM on a PDA

Create a directory called OpenCCM on your PDA root directory (usually named My Pocket PC/).

Copy the content of the src/PDA/ directory (that contains the build/ directory) in the OpenCCM/ you just created.

Running an OpenCCM server on your device

To run an OpenCCM server, edit the following scripts:

  • jcs_start[n].bat:
    Replace the corbaloc::[your_host]:[number_port]/NameService by the corresponding values (the host and the port where the Naming Service is started) and start this script.
  • ci_start.bat and activator_start.bat:
    Replace [my_pda] by the name of your device and start the ccm_server command.
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