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Table of Contents

  1. Component Assembly Descriptor (CAD)
  2. Root Element
    1. <componentassembly> Element
  3. Component Files Elements
    1. <componentfiles> Element
    2. <componentfile> Element
  4. Partitioning Elements
    1. <partitioning> Element
    2. <homeplacement> Element
    3. <homeproperties> Element
    4. <processcollocation> Element
    5. <hostcollocation> Element
    6. <executableplacement> Element
    7. <invocation> Element
    8. <destination> Element
    9. <componentinstantiation> Element
    10. <componentproperties> Element
    11. <registercomponent> Element
    12. <componentfileref> Element
    13. <componentimplref> Element
  5. Registration Elements
    1. <registerwithnaming> Element
    2. <registerwithhomefinder> Element
    3. <registerwithtrader> Element
  6. Trader Elements
    1. <traderexport> Element
    2. <traderservicetypename> Element
    3. <traderproperties> Element
    4. <traderproperty> Element
    5. <traderpropertyvalue> Element
    6. <traderquery> Element
    7. <traderpolicy> Element
  7. Connections Elements
    1. <connections> Element
    2. <connectinterface> Element
    3. <usesport> Element
    4. <providesport> Element
    5. <componentsupportedinterface> Element
    6. <componentinstantiationref> Element
    7. <existinginterface> Element
    8. <homeinterface> Element
    9. <homeplacementref> Element
    10. <connectevent> Element
    11. <consumesport> Element
    12. <emitsport> Element
    13. <publishesport> Element
    14. <connecthomes> Element
    15. <proxyhome> Element
    16. <destinationhome> Element
    17. <findby> Element
    18. <namingservice> Element
    19. <stringifiedobjectref> Element
    20. <homefinder> Element
  8. Identifier Elements
    1. <consumesidentifier> Element
    2. <emitsidentifier> Element
    3. <providesidentifier> Element
    4. <publishesidentifier> Element
    5. <usesidentifier> Element
  9. Common Elements
    1. <codebase> Element
    2. <description> Element
    3. <extension> Element
    4. <fileinarchive> Element
    5. <impltype> Element
    6. <link> Element
    7. <usagename> Element

Component Assembly Descriptor (CAD)

The goal of this document is to provide information on the way to use the Component Assembly Descriptor (CAD) to describe CCM applications. Two kinds of information will be provided.

Firstly, formal information extracted from the OMG CCM specification describes all the elements of the CAD XML DTD. These elements are illustrated by various examples.

The second kind of information deals with the OpenCCM deployment behavior and implementation status for each element. The goal of this information is to explain how the OpenCCM deployment process uses component assembly descriptors to build applications. This also brings information on the current implementation status.

Root Element

<componentassembly> Element

DescriptionThe componentassembly element is the root element of the Component Assembly Descriptor (CAD).
XML DTD <!ELEMENT componentassembly

<!ATTLIST componentassembly
  derivedfrom CDATA #IMPLIED>
Parent None.
  • id ID:
    id is an UUID that uniquely identifies the assembly.

  • derivedfrom CDATA:
    The derivedfrom attribute is used to point to an assembly from which this assembly was derived. The derivedfrom attribute contains the id of the source assembly.

Children Elements
  • description:
    The description child is a text describing the assembly.

  • componentfiles:
    The componentfiles child is used to refer all the component files required for this assembly. This element cannot be avoid because it is needed for example to retrieve the archive of components.

  • partitioning:
    The partitioning child is used to describe how and where homes and components have to be deploy. This element cannot be avoid a component assembly must define a partition.

  • connections:
    The connections child is used to describe all the connections to establish between components. This element can be avoid, an assembly can have none connection.

  • extension:
    The extension child is used to describe vendor specific extensions.

Example <componentassembly id="ZZZ123">
  <description> Assembly example </description>


OpenCCM Deployment Support
Status Not fully supported:
The derivedfrom attribute is not supported.
Implementation Behavior The componentassembly processing is split in three steps. In a first time, all the component files required are read. Then in a second time, all the components are instantiated. In the last time, the component connections are established. This scheduling ensures that components are created and can be used to establish connections.
Finally, all the components are configure completed following the order in which they appear in the component assembly descriptor.
Lets note that the id attribute is used to register the assembly object in the CosNaming Service.

Component Files Elements

<componentfiles> Element

Description The componentfiles element is used to list all of the component files that are used in the assembly. At least one component file must be specified. Each component file is uniquely identified for reference elsewhere in the descriptor. Multiple component instances may refer to a single component file.
XML DTD <!ELEMENT componentfiles
  (componentfile+) >
Parent componentassembly
Attributes None.
Children Elements
  • componentfile:
    componentfile children are used to refer all the component files required by the assembly.

Example <componentfiles id="ZZZ123">
  <componentfile id="A">
  <componentfile id="B">
OpenCCM Deployment Support
Status Fully supported.
Implementation Behavior The componentfiles processing just traverses all the componentfile elements to require their processing.

<componentfile> Element

Description The componentfile element refers to a component software descriptor containing information regarding a component and home implementation. componentfile are referenced by homeplacement elements.
XML DTD <!ELEMENT componentfile

<!ATTLIST componentfile
Parent componentfiles
  • id ID:
    The id attribute must uniquely identify the componentfile element with in the descriptor. It will be used by homeplacement elements to found the component binary required to deploy homes.

  • type CDATA:
    The optional type attribute specifies the type of component file in a string format. If unspecified, then the file is assumed to be CORBA component. An example use of the type attribute would be to specify an EJB component file.

Children Elements
  • fileinarchive:
    The fileinarchive element is used to retrieve the file to read in an archive.
    It must be a relative path in the specified archive.

  • codebase:
    The codebase element is used to specify a resource.

  • link:
    The link element is used to specify the link to find the component file.

Examples <componentfile id="A">
  <fileinarchive name="ca.csd">
<componentfile id="B">
  <fileinarchive name="cb.csd">
    <link href="">
<componentfile id="C">
  <link href="">
OpenCCM Deployment Support
Status Not fully supported:
Children codebase and link are not supported.
The type attribute is not tested. Only CORBA components are supported.
Implementation Behavior The componentfile processing just reads the file precised in the fileinarchive element. The XML tree resulting is stored in a internal table for later uses.

Partitioning Elements

<partitioning> Element

Description The partitioning specifies a deployment pattern of homes and components to generic processes and hosts. The pattern is expressed via collocation constraints. A particular usage of a component is always relative to a component home. Uses of component homes are recognized in the assembly as home placements. A home placement, and component instantiations relative to a home, may be collocated with other home placements and component instantiations in a process. Process and home placements may be collocated within a logical host. A home placement that is not part of a process or a hostcollocation may be deployed without constraints.
XML DTD <!ELEMENT partitioning
  ( homeplacement
  | executableplacement
  | processcollocation
  | hostcollocation
  | extension
  )* >
Parent componentassembly
Attributes None.
Children Elements
Example <partitioning>
  <homeplacement id="AaHome" >

  <processcollocation cardinality="*" >

  <hostcollocation cardinality="*" >

OpenCCM Deployment Support
Status Not fully supported:
homeplacement and processcollocation children are well-supported.
executableplacement children are not supported.
Implementation Behavior The partitioning processing traverses all the children elements to require their deployment.

<homeplacement> Element

Description The homeplacement element describes a particular deployment of a component home. The homeplacement element may be a direct child of partitioning element which states that it has no collocation constraints; or it may be a child element of the hostcollocation or processcollocation elements that state specific host or process collocation constraints.
XML DTD <!ELEMENT homeplacement
  ( usagename?
  , componentfileref
  , componentimplref?
  , homeproperties?
  , componentproperties?
  , registerwithhomefinder*
  , registerwithnaming*
  , registerwithtrader*
  , componentinstantiation*
  , destination?
  , extension*
  ) >

<!ATTLIST homeplacement
  cardinality CDATA "1" >
Parents partitioning
  • id ID:
    The required id attribute is used to uniquely identify the homeplacement in a storage way. This identifier could be used for later homeinterface connections.
  • cardinality CDATA:
    The cardinality attribute specifies how many instances of this homeplacement may be deployed.
Children Elements
  • usagename:
    Human friendly name used to refer the homeplacement element.

  • componentfileref:
    Used to retrieve the component file needed to deploy and instantiate the home. This one will be used to retrieve information such as the component archive path.

  • componentimplref:
    Used to refer the component implementation to instantiate.

  • homeproperties:
    Used to specify properties to set on the home.

  • componentproperties:
    Used to specify default properties for all the componentinstantiation children.

  • registerwithhomefinder:
    Used to describe a registration into the ComponentHomeFinder service.
    A home can be registered multiple times in this service with different names.

  • registerwithnaming:
    Used to describe a registration into the CosNaming service.
    A home can be registered multiple times in this service with different names.

  • registerwithtrader:
    Used to describe a registration into the CosTrading service.
    A home can be registered multiple times in this service.

  • componentinstantiation:
    Used to describe a component instantiation.
    Several component instantiations could be done with the same home.

  • destination:
    Used to define the target location where the home will be deployed.
    It can be avoided when the homeplacement element is part of a hostcollocation or processcollocation element.

  • extension:
    Used to describe vendor specific extensions.

Example <homeplacement id="ServerHome" cardinality="1">
  <componentfileref idref="Server"/>
  <componentimplref idref="ServerImpl"/>
  <registerwithhomefinder name="ServerHome"/>
  <registerwithnaming name="ServerHome"/>
  <componentinstantiation id="Server">
  <destination> NODE:MyNode </destination>
OpenCCM Deployment Support
Status Not fully supported:
The cardinality attribute is not used.
componentproperties and homeproperties children elements are not applied to configure homes and components.
Implementation Behavior The homeplacement processing is quite complex.
According to the target destination location, it is in charge to download the required archive on the target host using the associated ComponentInstallation instance.
Then it is in charge to retrieve a ComponentServer instance, e.g. created via a ServerActivator instance, to create a Container instance on it, and to install the home on it.
It uses the XML descriptor associated to the component file element in order to retrieve the archive path and the home entry point.
The registration processing are delegated to registerwithhomefinder, registerwithnaming and registerwithtrader children elements.
The component instantiations are delegated to componentinstantiation children elements.
Remarks: The downloading of archives must be down by another tool in the CCM architecture. So the download code will be removed later.

<homeproperties> Element

Description The homeproperties element specifies a property file for a home. The properties are used to configure the home after its instantiation. The property file may be specified by either a fileinarchive or a codebase child element.
XML DTD <!ELEMENT homeproperties
  ( fileinarchive
  | codebase
  ) >
Parent homeplacement
Attributes None.
Children Elements
  • fileinarchive:
    Point to the property descriptor to use.

  • codebase:
    The codebase element is used to specify a resource.

Example <homeproperties>
  <fileinarchive name="META-INF/homeProperties.cpf" />
OpenCCM Deployment Support
Status Not supported.
Implementation Behavior The homeproperties does not have any implementation.
It is simply used to store the information that will be used by the home configuration processing.

<processcollocation> Element

Description The processcollocation element specifies a group of homes and associated component instantiations that are to be deployed to a single process.
XML DTD <!ELEMENT processcollocation
  ( usagename?
  , impltype?
  , ( homeplacement
    | extension
  , destination?
  ) >

<!ATTLIST processcollocation
  cardinality CDATA "1" >
Parents partitioning
  • id ID:
    The id attribute uniquely identifies this process collocation in the component assembly file.
  • cardinality CDATA:
    The cardinality attribute specifies how many instances of this process collocation may be deployed.
Children Elements
  • usagename:
    Identifies by a name the processcollocation.

  • impltype:
    If impltype is specified, then each of the component instances must have implementations supporting the implementation type, else the implementation type of components depends of the target deployment platform implementation type.

  • homeplacement:
    Used to describe a home and its component instantiations. At least one homeplacement must be specified.

  • extension:
    Used to describe vendor specific extensions.

  • destination:
    Used to describe the destination host on which the process will run. This child can be avoid if the processcollocation is part of a hostcollocation.

Example <processcollocation cardinality="*">
  <usagename> Example process collocation </usagename>
  <impltype language="JAVA"/><!--optional-->
  <homeplacement id="BbHome">
    . . .

  <homeplacement id="CcHome">
    . . .

OpenCCM Deployment Support
Status Not fully supported:
All the children parts of the processcollocation are executed on the same host but not in a unique process.
Children usagename and impltype are not supported.
The cardinality and id attributes are not used too.
Implementation Behavior The processcollocation processing traverses all the homeplacement children and requires their deployment on a specified destination.

<hostcollocation> Element

Description The hostcollocation element specifies a group of homes and associated component instantiations that are to be deployed together to a single host.
XML DTD <!ELEMENT hostcollocation
  ( usagename?
  , impltype?
  , ( homeplacement
    | executableplacement
    | processcollocation
    | extension
  , destination?
  ) >

<!ATTLIST hostcollocation
  cardinality CDATA "1" >
Parent partitioning
  • id ID:
    The id attribute uniquely identifies this hostcollocation in the component assembly file.
  • cardinality CDATA:
    The cardinality attribute specifies how many instances of this hostcollocation may be deployed possible values are 0 or 1.
Children Elements
  • usagename:
    Identifies by a name the hostcollocation.

  • impltype:
    If impltype is specified, then each of the component instances must have implementations supporting the implementation type, else the implementation type of component depends of the target deployment platform implementation type.

  • homeplacement:
    Used to describe a home and its component instantiations.

  • executableplacement:
    Used to describe an executable placement.

  • processcollocation:
    Used to describe a process collocation.

  • extension:
    Used to describe vendor specific extensions.

  • destination:
    Used to describe the destination host on which the homeplacement, executableplacement, and processcollocation have to be deployed.

Example <hostcollocation cardinality="1">
  <usagename> Example of host collocation </usagename>
  <impltype language="JAVA"/><!--optional-->
  <processcollocation id="ProcessCol1">
      . . .
  <executableplacement id="ExecutablePlac1">
      . . .
  <homeplacement id="CcHome">
    . . .

OpenCCM Deployment Support
Status Not fully supported:
The cardinality attribute is not used to instantiate the hostcollocation, i.e. only one instance is build.
The child impltype is not used to check the implementation type of each children.
executableplacement and processcollocation children are not processed.
Implementation Behavior The hostcollocation processing does not support all the functionalities only homeplacement are processed. In that case the destination child must be filled to specify the destination host. This destination will overlay imbricated homeplacement or processcollocation destination.

<executableplacement> Element

Description The executableplacement element describes the deployment of an executable. The executableplacement element may be a direct child of the partitioning element, which states that it has no collocation constraints; or it may be a child element of the hostcollocation element.
XML DTD <!ELEMENT processcollocation
  ( usagename?
  , componentfileref
  , componentimplref
  , invocation?
  , destination?
  , extension*
  ) >

<!ATTLIST executableplacement
  cardinality CDATA "1" >
Parents partitioning
  • id ID:
    The id attribute uniquely identifies this executable placement in the component assembly file.
  • cardinality CDATA:
    The cardinality attribute specifies how many instances of this executable placement may be deployed.
Children Elements
  • usagename:
    Identifies by a name the executableplacement.

  • componentfileref:
    The componentfileref element specifies the component file.

  • componentimplref:
    The componentimplref element refers to a specific implementation in the softpkg descriptor. Let's note that the implementation referred to by componentimplref must have a code type of "Executable".

  • invocation:
    The invocation element specifies any arguments with which the executable should be invoked.

  • destination:
    The destination element is used to record where the executable placement is to be deployed.

  • extension:
    Used to describe vendor specific extensions.

Example <executableplacement cardinality="1">
  <usagename> Executableplacement1 </usagename>
  <componentfileref idref="META-INF/ComponentExample.csd">
  <componentimplref idref="componentImplem1">
  . . .
  . . .
OpenCCM Deployment Support
Status Not supported.
Implementation Behavior None.

<invocation> Element

Description The invocation element is used to specify invocation arguments for an executable placement.
XML DTD <!ELEMENT invocation EMPTY ) >

<!ATTLIST invocation
Parent executableplacement
  • args CDATA:
    The args attribute is a string containing the arguments to be used in invoking the executable. Let's note that args is just the arguments to the executable, it does not include the executable name.
Children Elements None.
Example <invocation args="param1 param2"/>
OpenCCM Deployment Support
Status Not supported.
Implementation Behavior None.

<destination> Element

Description The destination element is used to record where a homeplacement, executableplacement, hostcollocation, or processcollocation is to be (or has been) deployed.
XML DTD <!ELEMENT destination (#PCDATA) >
Parents homeplacement
Attributes None.
Children Elements None.
Examples <destination>
OpenCCM Deployment Support
Status Fully supported:
The destination element is fully supported, but its description format may changed in the futur with the integration of new deployment functionalities.
Implementation Behavior The destination PCDATA information must follow the following format: prefix:name.
The prefix can be CS, NODE or DCI.
CS prefix refers a Component Server started manually with the jcs_start <component_server_name> command. In that case the name element refers to the component_server_name.
NODE prefix refers to a node started manually with the node_start <node_name> command. This node provides ServerActivator and ComponentInstantiation interfaces and must be registered in the CosNaming Service. In that case the name element refers to the node_name.
DCI prefix refers to a DCIManager started manually with the dci_start <dci_name> command. In that case the name prefix is used to specify that the DCIManager services must be used to retreived a node reference. So the name element is the dci_name to search with DCIManager services.
In the case of NODE and CS prefixes, the reference of this two kind of hosts will be retrieved via the CosNaming Service using the name such as a key name. So the host must be registered in the CosNaming Service.
The destination processing will provided to the homeplacement the ComponentServer and ComponentInstallation interfaces required to deploy the home.

<componentinstantiation> Element

Description The componentinstantiation element describes a particular instantiation of a component relative to a homeplacement. The componentinstantiation is a direct child of the homeplacement element.
XML DTD <!ELEMENT componentinstantiation
  ( usagename?
  , componentproperties?
  , registercomponent*
  , extension*
  , destination?
  ) >

<!ATTLIST componentinstantiation
Parent homeplacement
Children Elements
  • usagename:
    Identifies by a name the component instantiation.

  • componentproperties:
    Used to retrieve the XML property file needed to configure the component instance.

  • registercomponent:
    Used to describe component registration. Multiple component registrations can be described.

  • extension:
    Used to describe vendor specific extensions.

  • destination:
    The destination element is used to record where the executable placement is to be deployed.

Example <componentinstantiation id="Aaa">
     Example component instantiation
     . . .
     . . .
OpenCCM Deployment Support
Status Fully supported.
Implementation Behavior The componentinstantiation processing is in charge to instantiate a component and to configure it with the componentproperties child specified. It builds a XML representation of the file pointed by the componentproperties to retrieve the instance configuration.
The registration processing is delegated to registerwithnaming and registerwithtrader children.
In the current implementation only primitive properties can be set with the componentproperties child.

<componentproperties> Element

Description The componentproperties element specifies a property file for a component instance. If the component file has a default property file in the component package, the component file overrides the default. The property file may be specified by either a fileinarchive or a codebase child element.
XML DTD <!ELEMENT componentproperties
  ( fileinarchive
  | codebase
  ) >
Parents homeplacement
Attributes None.
Children Elements
  • fileinarchive:
    Point to the configuration file to use.

  • codebase:
    The codebase element is used to specify a resource.

Example <componentproperties>
  <fileinarchive name="AaaProperties.cpf" />
OpenCCM Deployment Support
Status Not fully supported:
The codebase child is not supported.
Implementation Behavior The componentproperties does not have any implementation. It's simply used to store a pointer to the information that will be used by the componentinstantiation configuration processing.

<registercomponent> Element

Description The registercomponent element is used to specify that a component, a provided interface, or a consumer interface should be registered with a CosNaming Service or a trader. If providesidentifier or consumesidentifier is specified, then that element is registered. If none of the above are specified, then it is implied that the component itself is to be registered.
XML DTD <!ELEMENT registercomponent
  ( ( providesidentifier
    | consumesidentifier
  , ( registerwithnaming
  , | registerwithtrader
  , )+
  ) >
Parent componentinstantiation
Attributes None.
Children Elements
  • providesidentifier:
    Refers to the provided interface to register.

  • consumesidentifier:
    Refers to the consumer interface to register.

  • registerwithnaming:
    Describes a registration to process into the CosNaming Service. Multiple registrations can be done.

  • registerwithtrader:
    Describes a registration to process into the CosTrading Service. Multiple registrations can be done.

Example <registercomponent>
  <registerwithnaming name="Sink" />
    . . .
OpenCCM Deployment Support
Status Fully supported.
Implementation Behavior The registration processing is delegated to registerwithnaming and registerwithtrader children.

<componentfileref> Element

Description The componentfileref element refers to a particular componentfile element of the componentfiles element.
XML DTD <!ELEMENT componentfileref EMPTY >
<!ATTLIST componentfileref
Parent homeplacement
  • idref ID:
    The idref attribute corresponds to a unique componentfile id attribute.
Children Elements None.
Example <componentfileref idref="A"/>
OpenCCM Deployment Support
Status Fully supported.
Implementation Behavior The componentfileref is simply used to retrieve the idref. This identifier will be used to find the binding componentfile information. The componentfileref does not have any implementation.

<componentimplref> Element

Description The componentimplref element is used to refer to a particular implementation in a component file.
XML DTD <!ELEMENT componentimplref EMPTY />
<!ATTLIST componentimplref
  idref CDATA #REQUIRED />
Parent homeplacement
  • idref ID:
    The idref attribute refers to a unique implementation element id in the component descriptor.
Children Elements None.
Example <componentimplref idref="an A impl" />
OpenCCM Deployment Support
Status Fully supported.
Implementation Behavior The componentimplref is simply used to store the idref reference and does not have any implementation.

Registration Elements

<registerwithnaming> Element

Description The registerwithnaming element tells the installer to register CORBA interface such as components, provided facets or home interfaces.
XML DTD <!ELEMENT registerwithnaming EMPTY >
<!ATTLIST registerwithnaming
Parents registercomponent
  • name:
    The name is used such as a key for registering the interface into the CosNaming Service. The name string can contains slash delimiter to describes a NamingContext three representation. In that case the N-1 tokens are used to describe NamingContext path. The N token is the name of the object to associate with the last NamingContext. The name can also contains dot to specify name and kind. Back slash character can also be used as escape chararcter to insert special character such as slash in the name.

Children Elements None.
Example <registerwithnaming name="OpenCCM/example.registration/object\/Name.type" />
OpenCCM Deployment Support
Status Fully supported
Implementation Behavior The CosNaming Service interface is retrieved and used to register the interface with the specified name. If the NamingContext path describes in the name attribute does not exist it will be created.

<registerwithhomefinder> Element

Description The registerwithhomefinder element tells the installer to register a component home with the home finder.
XML DTD <!ELEMENT registerwithhomefinder EMPTY >
<!ATTLIST registerwithhomefinder
Parent homeplacement
  • name CDATA:
    The name to use such as key for registering the home.

Children Elements None.
Example <registerwithhomefinder name="homeName" />
OpenCCM Deployment Support
Status Not fully supported
Implementation Behavior The component repid and home repid are not fill during the homefinder registration. Only the name of the home is used for registration.

<registerwithtrader> Element

Description The registerwithtrader element tells the installer to register a component instance or home with a trader after it is created.
XML DTD <!ELEMENT registerwithtrader ( traderexport ) >
<!ATTLIST registerwithtrader
  tradername CDATA #IMPLIED >
Parents registercomponent
  • tradername:
    The tradername is used to specify the trader in which the offer must be registered. The given name is a path composed of link names between traders from the starting trader up to the desired trader. Here we assume that the path has the following form: link_name1/link_name2/link_nameN, i.e. name of the trader links separeted by slashes. If no tradername were specified, the offer will be registered in the starting trader. If this name denotes an invalid path to a trader, the offer won't be registered.

Children Elements
  • traderexport:
    Contains all information about the offer to register in the trader.

Example <registerwithtrader tradername="link1/link2/link3">
    . . .
OpenCCM Deployment Support
Status Fully supported.
Implementation Behavior The starting trader used during deployment is the one whose the IOR has been set in the command line. If the specified tradername doesn't exist or if no starting trader have been specifed, the offer is not registered but the deployment process is not stopped.

Trader Elements

<traderexport> Element

Description The traderexport element groups the description of a trading offer. A such offer will be exported in the trading service. An offer is related to a defined trading service type and have to provide a service, i.e. offering a CORBA Object reference compliant with the OMG IDL interface type of the related trading service type. The contained properties values have to be compliant with properties types (respecting property mode and IDL value type) defined in the related trading service type.
XML DTD <!ELEMENT traderexport
  (  traderservicetypename
  ,  traderproperties
  ) >
Parent registerwithtrader
Attributes None.
Children Elements
  • traderservicetypename:
    The trading service type name on which this offer will be related. This service type has to be registered in the trader service type repository.

  • traderproperties:
    The properties values of this offer.

Example <traderexport>
OpenCCM Deployment Support
Status Fully supported.
Implementation Behavior If the specifed traderservicetypename doesn't exist or if a problem happened with the properties values or if no starting trader have been specifed, the offer is not registered but the deployment process is not stopped.
Issue: An offer can be exported without any property values if all properties types modes are optional. This requires to modify the XML DTD by adding a '?' after the traderproperties element.

<traderservicetypename> Element

Description The traderservicetypename element is used to describe the name of a trading service type.
XML DTD <!ELEMENT traderservicetypename ( #PCDATA ) >
Parents traderexport
Attributes None.
Children Elements None.
Example   <traderservicetypename>ComponentService</traderservicetypename>
OpenCCM Deployment Support
Status Fully supported.
Implementation Behavior Service type name validity depends of the used Trader product. As exemple, the OpenORB Trader doesn't support "::" in the service type name althought ORBacus and JacORB ones support such names.

<traderproperties> Element

Description The traderproperty element groups the properties values of the trading offer.
XML DTD <!ELEMENT traderproperties ( traderproperty+ ) >
Parent traderexport
Attributes None.
Children Elements
  • traderproperty:
    A service type property. This property type have to be already defined in the related trading service type.

Example <traderproperties>
OpenCCM Deployment Support
Status Fully supported.
Implementation Behavior The traderproperty elements are processed as they comes, and, if no problem, appended into a CosTrading::PropertySeq.
If a problem occurs with the containd properties, the offer is not registered but the deployment process is not stopped.

<traderproperty> Element

Description The traderproperty element is used to give a value to a property defined in a trading service type.
XML DTD <!ELEMENT traderproperty (
   (   traderpropertyname
   ,   traderpropertyvalue
   ) >
Parent traderproperties
Attributes None.
Children Elements
  • traderpropertyname:
    The name of the property. A property with this name have to be already declared in the related trading service type. This name can only be used once in a traderproperties element.

  • traderpropertyvalue:
    The value of the property. This value must be compliant with the OMG IDL type of the property specified in the related trading service type.

Example <traderproperty>
  <traderpropertyvalue>This is my description.</traderpropertyvalue>
OpenCCM Deployment Support
Status Fully supported.
Implementation Behavior The name specified in a traderpropertyname element is checked over the trading service type repository. A property with this name have to be already declared in the related trading service type. In the same way, the value specified in a traderpropertyvalue element must be compliant with the related property value type. This is done by interrogating the trading service type repository.

<traderpropertyvalue> Element

Description The traderpropertyvalue element is used to define the value of a trading property. This value has to be compliant with the property value type defined in the related trading service type.
XML DTD <!ELEMENT traderpropertyvalue ( #PCDATA ) >
Parent traderproperty
Attributes None.
Children Elements None.
Example <!-- A numeric value -->
<!-- A sequence of string values -->
<traderpropertyvalue> ("This is", "a sequence", "of strings") </traderpropertyvalue>
<!-- A sequence of char values -->
<traderpropertyvalue> ('a', ' ', 'c', 'h', 'a', 'r', ' ', 's', 'e', 'q') </traderpropertyvalue>
<!-- A sequence of boolean values -->
<traderpropertyvalue> (false, false, true) </traderpropertyvalue>
OpenCCM Deployment Support
Status Partially supported:
Only values of types boolean, char, long, unsigned long, short, unsigned short, long long, unsigned long long, float, double, char, wchar, string and wstring and sequences of these types can be used in the traderpropertyvalue element.
Implementation Behavior Issue: The CAD DTD doesn't define any format in order to specify a sequence of values or any other complex type such as struct, union or Object reference. In this implementation we make the assumption that a sequence value starts with a '(' and ends with a ')', each element separated from the others with a ','. Elements of the sequence are given as this except for strings which are delimited with double quotes and characters which are delimited with simple quotes (see the Example section).
The property value type is checked using the service type repository description facilities. If the value type doesn't match with the given value, the property is not constructed and the related offer is not registered.

<traderquery> Element

Description The traderquery element is used to query the trading service in order to find a service.
XML DTD <!ELEMENT traderquery
  (   traderservicetypename
  ,   traderconstraint
  ,   traderpreference?
  ,   traderpolicy*
  ,   traderspecifiedprop*
  ) >
<!ELEMENT traderconstraint ( #PCDATA ) >
<!ELEMENT traderpreference ( #PCDATA ) >
<!ELEMENT traderspecifiedprop ( #PCDATA ) >
Parent findby
Attributes None.
Children Elements
  • traderservicetypename:
    The name of the service type to query.

  • traderconstraint:
    The constraint is the means by which the importer states those requirements of a service that are not captured in the signature of the interface. These requirements deal with the computational behavior of the desired service, non-functional aspects, and non-computational aspects (such as the organization owning the objects that provide the service). An importer is always guaranteed that any returned offer satisfies the matching constraint at the time of import. For more info on the OMG Constraint Language and on the constraint syntax rules, see The OMG Trading specification.

  • traderpreference:
    The traderpreference is used to order those offers that match the traderconstraint so that the offers returned by the trader are in the order of greatest interest. Possible values are "first", "random", "min expression", "max expression" and "with expression" where "expression" is defined with in constraint language. If no preference is specified, the default value is "first". For more info on the OMG Constraint Language, see The OMG Trading specification.

  • traderpolicy:
    The policies allows to specify how the search should be performed as opposed to what sort of services should be found in the course of the search. This can be viewed as parameterizing the algorithms within the trader implementation.

  • traderspecifiedprop:
    The traderspecifiedprop elements define the set of properties describing returned offers that are to be returned with the object reference.

Example <!-- Offers which the description property contains a given string and return with random order -->
  <traderconstraint>'openccm component' ~ description</traderconstraint>
<!-- Offers which the num_prop property is less than ten and the name property is exactly "my service" -->
  <traderconstraint>num_prop < 10 and name == 'my service'</traderconstraint>
OpenCCM Deployment Support
Status Fully supported.
Implementation Behavior The query is executed in order to return only one matching offer, but the preference order specified in the traderpreference element is always applied. In this way only the offer of greatest interest is returned by the trader.
If provided service type name, constraint and/or preference are invalid, the query is not performed.
If one of the desired property named in a traderspecifiedprop element is inexistant, the query should be performed. If this name is illegal or duplicated, the query will not be performed.
If one of the policies failed to be constructed, this policy is skipped and the query will be performed anyway.

Issue: the specifiedprops element does not seem to provide usefull information. Returned offer properties cannot be used in any ways (unless the deployment tool is interactive).

<traderpolicy> Element

Description The traderpolicy element is a name-value pair. The names available depend on the implementation of the trader. However, some names are standardized where they effect the interpretation of other parameters or where they may impact linking and federation of traders.
XML DTD <!ELEMENT traderpolicy
  (   traderpolicyname
  ,   traderpolicyvalue
  ) >
<!ELEMENT traderpolicyname ( #PCDATA ) >
<!ELEMENT traderpolicyvalue ( #PCDATA ) >
Parent traderquery
Attributes None.
Children Elements
  • traderpolicyname:
    The name of a trader query policy.

  • traderpolicyvalue:
    A value for that policy.

Example <!-- Only match the exact service type offers -->
<!-- Follow links if no local offers matching the query -->
OpenCCM Deployment Support
Status Partially supported.
Implementation Behavior Only standardized query policies are supported by the deployment process. As remember, these policies are:
  • search_card which is an unsigned long value,
  • match_card which is an unsigned long value,
  • return_card which is an unsigned long value,
  • hop_count which is an unsigned long value,
  • link_follow_rule which is set as a string value (valid values are "local_only", "if_no_local" and "always"),
  • starting_trader which is set as a string value (see the registerwithtrader's tradername attribute format),
  • request_id which is set as a string value,
  • exact_type_match which is a boolean value,
  • use_modifiable_properties which is a boolean value,
  • use_dynamic_properties which is a boolean value,
  • use_proxy_offers which is a boolean value.
If the policy name is unknown or if the policy value supplied is incorrect, the policy is skipped.

Connections Elements

<connections> Element

DescriptionThe connections element is used to satisfy component uses and consumes dependencies and to connect home. The connectinterface element is used to connect component uses ports to interfaces. The connectevent element is used to connect components consumes, port to event producers. The connecthomes element is used to connect a proxy home to another home.
XML DTD <!ELEMENT connections >
Parent componentassembly
Attribute None.
Children Elements
  • connectinterface:
    Used to describe an interface orientedconnection. Multiple connectinterface elements can be described.

  • connectevent:
    Used to describe an event oriented connection. Multiple connectevent elements can be described.

  • connecthomes:
    Used to connect a proxy home to another home.

Example <connections>
  <connectinterface >
  </connectinterface >
  <connectevent >
  </connectevent >
  <connecthomes >
  </connecthomes >
</connections >
OpenCCM Deployment Support
Status Not fully supported :
The connecthomes child is not supported.
Implementation Behavior The connections processing does not support connecthomes. In a first time all the connectinterface connections are traversed and established. In a second time all the connectevent connections are traversed and established.

<connectinterface> Element

DescriptionThe connectinterface element is used to connect a component's uses port to an interface. The interface may be a provided or supported interface of another component, it may be an existing interface (other than those provided by components in the assembly), or it may be a home interface.
XML DTD <!ELEMENT connectinterface
  ( usesport
  , ( providesport
    | componentsupportedinterface
    | existinginterface
    | homeinterface
  ) >
<!ATTLIST connectinterface
  id ID #IMPLIED >
Parent connections
  • idref ID:
    The id is a unique identifier within the assembly.
Children Elements
  • usesport:
    Identifies the component and port where the connection is to be made.

  • providesport:
    Identifies the component and provides port.

  • componentsupportedinterface:
    Identifies a component that has a supported interface that satisfies the usesport element.

  • existinginterface:
    Identifies a way to find an existing interface that will satisfy the usesport element.

  • homeinterface:
    Identifies a home interface that the usesport element required.

Example <connectinterface id="ci1">
  <usesport >
  </usesport >
  <providesport >
  </providesport >
</connectinterface >
<connectinterface id="ci1">
  <usesport >
  </usesport >
  <componentsupportedinterface >
  </componentsupportedinterface >
</connectinterface >
<connectinterface id="ci1">
  <usesport >
  </usesport >
  <existinginterface >
  </existinginterface >
</connectinterface >
<connectinterface id="ci1">
  <usesport >
  </usesport >
  <homeinterface >
  </homeinterface >
</connectinterface >
OpenCCM Deployment Support
Status Fully supported
Implementation Behavior In a first part, the connectinterface processing retrieves the reference of the interface to connect. In a second part it retrieves the reference of the uses port and it connects the interface to the port. If registration service have to be used, the resolution is delegated to findby children.

<usesport> Element

DescriptionThe usesport element specifies the interface using side of an interface connection relationship. The usesidentifier child element identifies the particular uses port. The component with this uses port is identified by a componentinstantiationref or a findby element.
  ( useidentifier
  , ( componentinstantiationref
    | findby
  ) >
Parent connectinterface
Attributes None.
Children Elements
Example <usesport>
  <usesidentifier >
  </usesidentifier >
  <componentinstantiationref idref="Aaa"/>
</usesport >
  <usesidentifier >
  </usesidentifier >
</usesport >
OpenCCM Deployment Support
Status Fully supported.
Implementation Behavior The usesport does not have it own implementation it's used to store information. This information are used by processing of connectinterface element.

<providesport> Element

DescriptionThe providesport element specifies the interface providing side of an interface connection relationship. The providesidentifier child element identifies the particular provides port.
  ( providesidentifier
  , ( componentinstantiationref
    | findby
  ) >
Parent connectinterface
Attributes None.
Children Elements
Example <providesport>
  <providesidentifier >
  </providesidentifier >
  <componentinstantiationref idref="Aaa"/>
</usesport >
  <providesidentifier >
  </providesidentifier >
</providesport >
OpenCCM Deployment Support
StatusFully supported
Implementation Behavior The providesport does not have it own implementation it's used to store information. This information are used by processing of connectinterface element.

<componentsupportedinterface> Element

DescriptionSpecifies a component with a supports interface that can satisfy an interface connection to a uses port within a connectinterface element. The component is identified by a componentinstantiationref or a findby element.
XML DTD <!ELEMENT componentsupportedinterface
  ( componentinstantiationref
  ) >
Parent connectinterface
Attributes None.
Children Elements
  • componentinstantiationref:
    The component which supports the needed interface.

  • findby:
    Describe a way to find the component. In this kind of use of findby resolving a reference with home finder is impossible.

Example <componentsupportedinterface>
  <componentinstantiationref idref="Aaa" />
  <findby >
  </findby >
</componentsupportedinterface >
OpenCCM Deployment Support
StatusFully supported.
Implementation Behavior The componentsupportedinterface element does not have it own implementation it's used to store information. This information are used by during the processing of the connectinterface element.

<componentinstantiationref> Element

Description The componentinstantiationref element refers to a particular componentinstantiation element in the assembly descriptor.
XML DTD <!ELEMENT componentinstantiationref EMPTY >
<!ATTLIST componentinstantiationref
Parents usesport
  • idref ID:
    The idref attribute corresponds to a unique componentinstantiation id attribute.
Children Elements None.
Example <componentinstantiationref idref="Aaa"/>
OpenCCM Deployment Support
StatusFully supported.
Implementation Behavior The componentinstantiationref element does not have it own implementation it only used as to found the component reference. The id attribute is used as key of search to retrieve the component reference into an internal table.

<existinginterface> Element

DescriptionSpecifies an interface that can satisfy an interface connection to a uses port within a connectinterface element, or to an emits or publishes port within a connectevent element.
XML DTD <!ELEMENT existinginterface
Parent connections
Attribute None.
Children Elements
  • findby:
    Describe a way to find the component. In this kind of use of findby resolving a reference with home finder is impossible.

Example <existinginterface>
  <findby >
  </findby >
</existinginterface >
OpenCCM Deployment Support
StatusFully supported
Implementation Behavior The existinginterface element doesn't have it own implementation it's used to store information. This information are used by during the processing of the connectinterface or connectevent elements.

<homeinterface> Element

DescriptionSpecifies a home with an interface that can satisfy an interface connection to a uses port within a connectinterface element.
XML DTD <!ELEMENT homeinterface
  ( homeplacementref
  ) >
Parent connections
Attribute None.
Children Elements
  • homeplacementref:
    Refers to the home to connect within the assembly

  • findby:
    Describes a way to find the component. In this kind of use of findby resolving a reference with home finder is allowed.

Example <homeinterface>
  <homeplacementref idref="AaaHome" />
  <findby >
  </findby >
</homeinterface >
OpenCCM Deployment Support
StatusFully supported
Implementation Behavior The homeinterface element does not have it own implementation it's used to store information. This information are used by during the processing of the connectinterface element.

<homeplacementref> Element

Description The homeplacementref element refers to a particular homeplacement element in the assembly descriptor.
XML DTD <!ELEMENT componentinstantiationref EMPTY >
<!ATTLIST componentinstantiationref
Parent homeinterface
  • idref ID:
    The idref attribute correponds to a unique homeplacement id attribute.
Children Elements None.
Example <homeplacementref idref="Aaa"/>
OpenCCM Deployment Support
StatusFully supported.
Implementation Behavior The componentinstantiationref element doesn't have it own implementation it used to found the home reference. The id attribute is used such as a key to retrieve the reference from an internal table.

<connectevent> Element

DescriptionThe connectevent element is used in the connections element to specify a connection from a consumes port, of one component, or an existing interface to an emits or publishes port of another component.
XML DTD <!ELEMENT connectevent
  (  (consumesport
  ,  ( emitsport
  ) >
<!ATTLIST connectevent
  id ID #IMPLIED >
Parent connections
  • id ID:
    The id is a unique identifier within the assembly.
Children Elements
Example <connectevent id="ce1">
  <consumesport >
  </consumesport >
  <emitsport >
  </emitsport >
</connectevent >
<connectevent id="ce1">
  <consumesport >
  </consumesport >
  <publishesport >
  </publishesport >
</connectevent >
<connectevent id="ce3">
  <existinginterface >
  </existinginterface >
  <emitsport >
  </emitsport >
</connectevent >
<connectevent id="ce4">
  <existinginterface >
  </existinginterface >
  <publishesport >
  </publishesport >
</connectevent >
OpenCCM Deployment Support
Status Fully supported
Implementation Behavior In a first time the consumer reference is resolved. Then in a second time the emitter is resolved. In last time the consumer is subscribed to the emitter. The resolution of each part of the connection is delegated to imbricated findby element.

<consumesport> Element

DescriptionThe consumesport element specifies the event-consuming side of an event connection relationship.
XML DTD <!ELEMENT consumesport
  ( consumesidentifier
  , ( componentinstantiationref
    | findby
  ) >
Parent connectevent
Attributes None.
Children Elements
Example <consumesport>
  <consumesidentifier >
  </consumesidentifier >
  <componentinstantiationref idref="Aaa"/>
</consumesport >
  <consumesidentifier >
  </consumesidentifier >
</consumesport >
OpenCCM Deployment Support
Status Fully supported
Implementation Behavior The consumesport element does not have its own implementation, it's only use to store information.

<emitsport> Element

DescriptionThe consumesport element specifies the event-emiting side of an event connection relationship.
XML DTD <!ELEMENT emitsport
  ( emitsidentifier
  , ( componentinstantiationref
    | findby
  ) >
Parent connectevent
Attributes None.
Children Elements
Example <emitsport>
  <emitsidentifier >
  </emitsidentifier >
  <componentinstantiationref idref="Aaa"/>
</emitsport >
  <emitsidentifier >
  </emitsidentifier >
</emitsport >
OpenCCM Deployment Support
Status Fully supported.
Implementation Behavior The emitsport element does not have its own implementation, it's only use to store information.

<publishesport> Element

DescriptionThe publishesport element specifies the event-publishes side of an event connection relationship.
XML DTD <!ELEMENT publishesport
  ( publishesidentifier
  , ( componentinstantiationref
    | findby
  ) >
Parent connectevent
Attribute None.
Children Elements
Example <publishesport>
  <publishesidentifier >
  </publishesidentifier >
  <componentinstantiationref idref="Aaa"/>
</publishesport >
  <publishesidentifier >
  </publishesidentifier >
</publishesport >
OpenCCM Deployment Support
Status Fully supported
Implementation Behavior The publishesport element does not have its own implementation, it's only use to store information.

<connecthomes> Element

Description The connecthomes element is used to specify a connection between a proxyhome and another home. The proxyhome element refers to the proxy home.
XML DTD <!ELEMENT connecthomes
  ) >
<!ATTLIST connecthomes
  id ID #IMPLIED >
Parent connections
  • id ID: The id is a unique identifier within the assembly.
Children Elements
  • proxyhome:
    The proxyhome element refers to the proxy home.

  • destinationhome:
    The destinationhome element refers to the home to which the proxy home will be connected. The destination home can be either another proxy home or an actual home.

Example <connecthomes id="ch1">
  <proxyhome >
  <destinationhome >
</connecthomest >
OpenCCM Deployment Support
Status Not Supported
Implementation Behavior None.

<proxyhome> Element

Description Identifies a proxy home that is to be connected to another home. The home is identified by a homeplacementref or a findby element.
XML DTD <!ELEMENT proxyhome
  ( homeplacementref
  | findby
  ) >
Parent connecthomes
Attribute None.
Children Elements
  • homeplacementref:
    The homeplacementref identifies a home within the assembly.

  • findby:
    The findby element points to an existing home that can be found within a home finder, naming service, or trader, or using a stringified object reference.

Example <proxyhome id="ch1">
</proxyhome >
<proxyhome id="ch1">
  <homeplacementref idref="homeAAA"/>
</proxyhome >
OpenCCM Deployment Support
Status Not Supported
Implementation Behavior None.

<destinationhome> Element

Description Identifies a home to be connected to by a proxy home. The home is identified by a homeplacementref or a findby element. The homeplacementref identifies a home within the assembly.
XML DTD <!ELEMENT destinationhome
  ) >
Parent connecthomes
  • None.
Children Elements
  • homeplacementref:
    The homeplacementref identifies a home within the assembly.

  • findby:
    The findby element points to an existing home that can be found within a home finder, naming service, or trader, or using a stringified object reference.

Example <destinationhome id="ch1">
</destinationhome >
<destinationhome id="ch1">
  <homeplacementref idref="homeAAA"/>
</destinationhome >
OpenCCM Deployment Support
Status Not Supported
Implementation Behavior None.

<findby> Element

Description The findby element is used to resolve a connection between two components. It tells the installation agent how to locate a party, usually a component, interface, or home involved in the relationship.
  ( nameservice
  | stringifiedobjectref
  | traderquery
  | homefinder
  | extension
  ) >
Parents usesport
Attribute None.
Children Elements
  • namingservice:
    Specifies to search with the Name Service the reference bound to the name attribute.

  • stringifiedobjectref:
    Gives an object IOR to resolve.

  • traderquery:
    Describes a trader query to execute with the Trader Service.

  • homefinder:
    Specifies to search with the home finder the reference bound to the name attribute.

Example <findby>
  <namingservice name="AaaPort"/>
</findby >
  <homefinder name="AaaHome"/>
</findby >
  <traderquery >
  </traderquery >
</findby >
</findby >
OpenCCM Deployment Support
StatusFully supported
Implementation Behavior The findby implementation has a quite simple implementation. It simply test if one of its children is not null, then it orders its resolution. The child result will be return by the findby implementation. In the case of stringifiedobjectref specified the resolution is done by the findby implementation.

<namingservice> Element

Description The namingservice element is used to indicate that a component or interface should be found using a Naming Service.
XML DTD <!ELEMENT namingservice EMPTY >
<!ATTLIST namingservice
Parent findby
  • name CDATA:
    The name attribute specifies the name to lookup into the Name Service.
Child Element None.
Example <namingservice name="OpenCCM/example.registration/object\/Name.type"
OpenCCM Deployment Support
StatusFully supported
Implementation Behavior The namingservice element have a quite simple implementation, it retrieves a NamingContext interface of the current Naming Service and invokes the resolve_str operation giving in parameter the name attribute. This invokation will process the slash delimiter has NamingContext separator. The 0 to N-1 tokens refers to imbricated NamingContext. The N token refers to the name of the CORBA reference to found. So the last token will be used to search the CORBA reference in the last NamingContext. The reference return is the result of the namingservice element. The NamingContext reference is retrieved with the TheNameService singleton. The name attribute can also contain kind information and special character using the escape character back slash.

<stringifiedobjectref> Element

Description The stringifiedobjectref element is used to locate a component by its object reference.
XML DTD <!ELEMENT stringifiedobjectref (#PCDATA) >
Parent findby
Attribute The stringified object reference is just put between stringifiedobjectref tags.
Child Element None.
Example <stringifiedobjectref>
OpenCCM Deployment Support
StatusFully supported.
Implementation Behavior The stringifiedobjectref does not have it's own implementation. But the string stored between the tags is used to invoke the string_to_object reference on the used ORB. This operation return the reference associated.

<homefinder> Element

Description The homefinder element is used to indicate a home finder name for a home.
XML DTD <!ELEMENT homefinder EMPTY >
<!ATTLIST homefinder
Parent findby
  • name CDATA:
    The name attribute specifies the name of the home as registered with the home finder.
Child Element None.
Example <homefinder name="homeName"/>
OpenCCM Deployment Support
StatusFully suppoted.
Implementation Behavior Currently the implementation retrieves the HomeFinder interface by the Name Service. It invokes the resolve operation with the "HomeFinder" string parameter. The operation result is a facet of the HomeManager component. It'll be used the find_by_name operation giving parameter the specified name. The operation result is a home interface that will be returned too as result of homefinder element processing.

Identifier Elements

<consumesidentifier> Element

DescriptionChild of consumesport element The consumesidentifier identifies which consumes port on the component is to participe in the relationship. The type of the consumes event must match the type of the connected emits or publishes event.
XML DTD <!ELEMENT consumesidentifier (#PCDATA) >
Parent consumesport
Attribute None.
The port name is simply precised between consumesidentifier tags.
Children Elements None.
Example <consumeidentifier>
OpenCCM Deployment Support
Status Fully supported
Implementation Behavior The consumesidentifier is simply used to memorize a selected consumer on a component. It does not have any implementation.

<emitsidentifier> Element

DescriptionChild of element emitsport, emitsidentifier identifies an emits port on the component. The identifier corresponds to an emits identifier specified in IDL.
XML DTD <!ELEMENT emitsidentifier (#PCDATA) >
Parent emitsport
Attribute None.
The port name is simply precised between emitsidentifier tags.
Children Elements None.
Example <emitsidentifier>
OpenCCM Deployment Support
StatusFully Supported
Implementation Behavior The emitsidentifier is simply used to memorize a selected emitter on a component. It does not have any implementation.

<providesidentifier> Element

DescriptionChild of the providesport element, providesidentifier identifies a provides port on a component. The identifier corresponds to a provides identifier specified in a component IDL.
XML DTD <!ELEMENT providesidentifier (#PCDATA) >
Parent providesport
Attribute None.
The port name is simply precised between providesidentifier tags.
Child Element None.
Example <providesidentifier>
OpenCCM Deployment Support
Status Fully supported.
Implementation Behavior The providesidentifier element is simply used to memorize a selected port on a component. It does not have any implementation.

<publishesidentifier> Element

DescriptionChild of the publishesport, element publishesidentifier identifies a publishes port on a component. The identifier corresponds to the identifier specified in IDL for the publishes port.
XML DTD <!ELEMENT publishesidentifier (#PCDATA) >
Parent publishesport
Attribute None.
The port name is simply precised between publishesidentifier tags.
Child Element None.
Example <publishesidentifier>
OpenCCM Deployment Support
StatusFully supported
Implementation Behavior The publishesidentifier is simply used to memorize a publishes port on a component. It does not have any implementation.

<usesidentifier> Element

DescriptionChild of the usesport element, usesidentifier identifies which uses port on the component is to participe in the relationship. The type using interface must match the type of connected provides interface.
XML DTD <!ELEMENT usesidentifier (#PCDATA) >
Parent usesport
Attribute None.
The port name is simply precised between usesidentifier tags.
Child Element None.
Example <usesidentifier>
OpenCCM Deployment Support
Status Fully supported
Implementation Behavior The usesidentifier is simply used to memorize a selected uses port on a component. It does not have any implementation.

Common Elements

<codebase> Element

Description The codebase element is used to specify a resource. If the resource isn't available in the local environment, then a link specifies where it may be obtained. codebase has an EMPTY content model.

<!ATTLIST codebase
  filename CDATA #IMPLIED
Parents componentfile
  • filename CDATA :
    The relative path where ressource can be found.

  • %simple-link-attributes:
    A link to the ressource out of the current environment.

Child Element None.
Examples   <codebase filename="ca.csd"/>
  <codebase href=""/>
OpenCCM Deployment Support
Status Not supported.
Implementation Behavior The codebase element does not have particular implementation. It's only used to store ressouce information.

<description> Element

Description The description element contains a string description. It is used to describe its parent element. It contains string content.
XML DTD <!ELEMENT description(#PCDATA) >
Parent componentassembly
Attribute None.
Child Element None.
Example <description>
  This is a simple example of description
OpenCCM Deployment Support
Status Fully supported
Implementation Behavior The description is simply used to store information.

<extension> Element

Description The extension element is used to add experimental or vendor specific elements to the softpkg DTD. The content model of the extension element is PCDATA, meaning that it can have character data or markup.
  <!ATTLIST extension
  html-form CDATA #IMPLIED >
Parents componentassembly
  • class CDATA :
    Used to distinguish this extension element usage. A processing application identifies extension elements that it understands by examining an extension element's class and origin attributes.

  • origin CDATA :
    An origin attribute is required to identify the party responsible for the extension; for example, an ORB vendor.

  • id CDATA :
    An optional ID attribute that must be unique in the file.

  • extra CDATA :
    An extra attribute that may be used however the originator wishes.

  • html-form :
    The html-form element is used for formatting. The content will be formatted per the html element type indicated.

Child Element None.
Example(s) None.
OpenCCM Deployment Support
Status Not supported.
Implementation Behavior None.

<fileinarchive> Element

DescriptionThe fileinarchive element refers to a file into an archive.
XML DTD <!ELEMENT fileinarchive

<!ATTLIST fileinarchive
Parent componentfile
  • name CDATA :
    The relative path where the file can be found into the archive.

Child Element
  • link:
    Used to specify the link to an external archive when then file is not stored into the current archive. The current archive is the archive where is stored the current CAD file processed.

Example(s)   <fileinarchive name="ca.csd">
  <fileinarchive name="ca.csd">
    <link href="">
OpenCCM Deployment Support
Status Not fully supported :
Child link not supported, the deployment process cannot yet read the component file into an archive.
Implementation Behavior Not Fully supported. The file can not be denoted with the link element.

<impltype> Element

Description None.
<!ATTLIST impltype;
  language CDATA #REQUIRED;
  version CDATA #IMPLIED >
Parents processcollocation
  • language CDATA :
    The implementation language.

  • version CDATA :
    The implementation version.

Child Element None.
Example(s) None.
OpenCCM Deployment Support
Status Not supported.
Implementation Behavior None.

<link> Element

Description The link element is used to specify a generic link. The href attribute indicates the link. The element can have string content.
<!ATTLIST link
Parents componentfile
  • href CDATA :
    Used to specify the reference.

Child Element None.
Example(s) <link href=""/>
OpenCCM Deployment Support
Status Not supported.
Implementation Behavior None.

<usagename> Element

Description A user defined "friendly" name.
Parents componentinstantiation
Attribute None.
Child Element None.
Example(s) <usagename>
OpenCCM Deployment Support
Status Supported.
Implementation Behavior None.

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