OpenCCM - CCM Explorer User's Guide

CCM Explorer User's Guide

  1. The OpenCCM Explorer Console
  2. Starting the CCM Explorer
  3. Available CORBA Customizations
  4. Available CosNaming Customizations
  5. Available CosTrading Customizations
  6. Available DCI Customizations
  7. Available CCM Customizations
  8. Available demo3 Customizations
  9. Available dinner Customizations
  10. Available filetransfer Customizations
  11. How to Write Your Own Plugin?

The OpenCCM Explorer Console

The OpenCCM Explorer is a graphical console tool for exploring and interacting with components at runtime. To start this console, use the ccm_explorer script (see further for details). Initially, this GUI allows you to explore the CosNaming Service, the CosTrading Service, the Interface Repository and the DCI if they are started.

The key concept of the GUI is the tree at the left side. This tree contains all the explorable entities. In order to explore such an entity, you just have to expand the associated node in the tree. For each nodes you explore, you may right clic (or even use the menu called Actions in the menu bar) in order to know the way to interact with it and the available actions.

Here is an example of the OpenCCM Explorer GUI managing the demo3 demonstration.

OpenCCM Explorer example

Starting the CCM Explorer

The ccm_explorer script starts a graphical console which allows you to explorer and manage components at runtime, e.g.:

$ ccm_explorer
Error: The OpenCCM Platform is not installed!
$ ccm_install
$ ccm_explorer
The OpenCCM Explorer will be started.

The ccm_explorer script supports the following options:

-h or
Display usage and help information, and exit.
--versionOutput version information and exit.
--silentSilent output messages.
--defaultContextDefault context XML file (You don't have to use this option !).
--defaultExplorerDefault explorer XML file (You don't have to use this option !).
--configSet an additional config file
--viewChoose between two graphical views. The tab view is preferred for PDA because of its smaller size.

To obtain usage and help information, do:

$ ccm_explorer --help
The OpenCCM Explorer will be started.
Usage: ccm_explorer [-h|--help] [--version] [--silent] [--defaultContext file] 
[--defaultExplorer file] [--config file] [--view view_type]

  -h, --help             Display this information and exit
  --version              Output version information and exit
  --silent               Silent output messages
  --defaultContext file  Default context XML file (You don't have to use this option !)
  --defaultExplorer file Default explorer XML file (You don't have to use this option !)
  --config file          Set the config XML file
  --view view_type       Set the view of the main frame (basic|tabs) (default value is basic)

  Display the OpenCCM explorer console

Let's note that the --config option adds configuration entries to the default ones.

Lots of OpenCCM demos (demo1, demo3, dinner, chat, filetransfer) have been customized. So, when one of this demo is running, you can start the explorer with the specific command line:

$ ccm_explorer --config explorer.xml

The explorer.xml configuration file contains the customization of the demo.

The description of the OpenCCM Explorer Configuration XML DTD is available in the following document.

Available CORBA Customizations

This part describes the personalization concerning the CORBA objects. In fact, what is happening when the console finds a CORBA object.


Expanded Node View

Displays the list of the initially available CORBA object references, such as NameService, TradingService and InterfaceRepository.


Available Actions

Every CORBA Object have two available actions:

Action nameDescription
Ping Checks if the given CORBA Object really exists by sending it a request.
Save IOR to file Stores the IOR identifying the given CORBA Object into a file on the system.

Here is the view of this menu in the OpenCCM console.

The CORBA.Object contextual menu


Expanded Node View

Shows the current set of all children POAs of the given POA.

org.omg.CORBA.Container (i.e. Interface Repository)

Expanded Node View

Lists the content of the given container.

Available CosNaming Customizations

This part describes the personalization concerning the CosNaming Service objects.

org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContext (i.e. NameService)

Expanded Node View

Gives the list of binding objects from the given naming context.

Available Actions

Action nameDescription
Bind an object Binds an object into the naming context. You must specify the key for the object, and an entry representing the object you want to bind, either an IOR file from your own file system or an existing object from the explorer tree. You can only bind a CORBA object.
Create a new context Creates a new context and binds it to the name supplied as an argument.
Destroy Destroys a naming context. This naming context has to be empty.
Unbind Unbinds the CORBA object from the given naming context.
Rename the binding Renames the binding of the given naming context entry.

Here is the view of this menu in the OpenCCM console.

The CosNaming.NamingContext contextual menu

The following example presents the user interface which allows you to bind an object into the CosNaming Service.

Binding an object

Drag&Drop Action

When you drop an object on the CosNaming.NamingContext object, you can bind a CORBA object into this CosNaming Service as the following picture shows.

Drag&Drop action

This picture shows that you can know what action is possible on a specific entity using the Drag&Drop mechanism. A message is displayed if the mouse is over a region that supports the Drag&Drop.

Status bar information during Drag&Drop

When you get an object over a CosNaming Service object using the Drag&Drop mechanism, you can know what you can do by having a look to the status bar. This one informs of the associated action. For instance, in this case, we are going to register the selected DCI into the NameService where we drop it.

Available CosTrading Customizations

This part describes the personalization concerning the CosTrading Service objects.

org.omg.CosTrading.Lookup (i.e. TradingService)

Expanded Node View

Two browsing modes are available: the user view and the administration view. According to the chosen browsing mode, various children are accessible.

The user view provides:

  • the CosTrading Service Type Repository,
  • the querying context.

The administration view adds to this list:

  • the registered offer list context,
  • the registered proxy offer list context,
  • the trader links control context,
  • the trader configuration context.

Here is an example of the CosTrading Service user view in the OpenCCM console.

Trading Service user view in OpenCCM console

Available Actions

Action nameDescription
Toogle Admin/User view Toogles between the administration view and the user view.

Here is an example of the CosTrading Service contextual menu.

Receptacle contextual menu


Expanded Node View

Lists all CosTrading Service types registered in the CosTrading Service Type Repository.

Here is an example of the CosTrading Service Type Repository in the OpenCCM console.

Trading Service Type Repository in the OpenCCM console


Associated Panel

Displays the service type description, i.e. super types, attached OMG IDL interface, and defined properties.

The querying context

Expanded Node View

Lists all defined queries.

Available Actions

Action nameDescription
Add a query Creates a new query.

Here is an example of the queries contextual menu.

Receptacle contextual menu

Here is an example of CosTrading query creation in the OpenCCM console.

A trading query in the OpenCCM console

A query context

Expanded Node View

Lists all offers which match the query.

Here is an example of a list of offers matching a query in the OpenCCM console.

Offers matching a trading query in the OpenCCM console

Available Actions

Action nameDescription
Remove Destroys the query context.

Here is an example of the query contextual menu.

Receptacle contextual menu

Associated Panel

Displays the query primary information such as requested service type, constraint and preference.


Expanded Node View

Displays the service reference related to the offer.

Associated Panel

Displays all information related to an offer as properties values.


Associated Panel

Displays the trader configuration panel. This panel allows you to change all the trader properties and configuration values.

Here is an example of the CosTrading administration panel in the OpenCCM console.

Trader admin panel in the OpenCCM console

The registered offers context

Expanded Node View

Lists all offers registered in the browsed trader.


Expanded Node View

Displays the service reference related to the offer.

Here is an example of offers registered in a trader.

Trader offers in the OpenCCM console

Associated Panel

Displays all information related to an offer such as related service type name and properties values.

The registered proxy offers context

Expanded Node View

Lists all proxy offers registered in the browsed trader.


Expanded Node View

Displays the service reference related to the proxy offer.

Associated Panel

Displays all information related to the proxy offer such as related service type name, properties values, match_all parameter value, and constraint recipe.


Expanded Node View

Lists all links defined on the trader.

Here is an example of trader links in the OpenCCM console.

Trader links in the OpenCCM console

Available Actions

Action nameDescription
Add a link Creates a new trader link (cf. CosTrading::Link::add_link).

Here is an example of the links contextual menu.

Receptacle contextual menu


Expanded Node View

Displays the trader lookup reference related to the link.

Here is an example of a trader link in the OpenCCM console.

A Trader link in the OpenCCM console

Associated Panel

Displays all information related to the link such as propagation policies.

Available Actions

Action nameDescription
Remove Removes the link (cf. CosTrading::Link::remove_link).

Here is an example of the link contextual menu.

Receptacle contextual menu

Available DCI Customizations

This part partially details the personalization concerning the Distributed Computing Infrastructure (DCI). The DCI is the deployment infrastructure used in OpenCCM. So a CCM-based application may be installed on a node or destroyed from existing ones. Furthermore, as soon as they were installed, they can be built and torn down so many times you wish.

The following screenshot briefly presents the use of the DCI through the CCM Explorer.

DCI through CCM Explorer

This screenshot shows that two assemblies are installed (chat and demo3) but only one is built and is executing (chat).

Available CCM Customizations

This part details the personalization concerning the CORBA Component Model objects.


Expanded Node View

Displays the description of the all component's ports.

Available Actions

Action nameDescription
Complete Configuration Indicates that the given component configuration is completed. This one has to be sufficiently configured (cf. ::Components::CCMObject::configuration_complete).
Remove Removes the given component (cf. ::Components::CCMObject::remove).

Here is an example of the CCMObject contextual menu.

CCMObject contextual menu


Expanded Node View

Gives all the connections of the given receptacle.

Available Actions

Action nameDescription
Connect Connects an interface to the given receptacle (cf. ::Components::Receptacles::connect). You have to select it from the explorer tree.
Disconnect Disconnects the connected reference from the receptacle (cf. ::Components::Receptacles::disconnect).

Here is an example of the receptacle contextual menu.

Receptacle contextual menu

The following pictures shows that the "disconnect" action is visible by the connected facets.

Receptacle contextual menu

Drag&Drop Action

When you drop a facet on the ReceptacleDescription object, you can connect them together.


Expanded Node View

Gives all the consumers of the given publisher.

Available Actions

Action nameDescription
Subscribe Adds a new subscriber to the publisher event source (cf. ::Components::Events::subscribe). You have to select it from the explorer tree.
Unsubscribe Removes the given subscriber from the publisher subscriber list (cf. ::Components::Events::unsubscribe).

Here is an example of the publisher contextual menu.

Publisher contextual menu

The following pictures shows that the "unsubscribe" action is visible by the registered subscribers.

Subscriber contextual menu

Drag&Drop Action

When you drop a subscriber on the PublisherDescription object, you can subscribe it to this publisher.


Expanded Node View

Provides the list of components managed by the given home. It displays the OMG IDL component type as key.

Available Actions

Action nameDescription
Remove Removes the home (cf. ::Components::CCMHome::remove).
Remove from home Removes the given component from its home (cf. ::Components::CCMHome::remove_component).

Here is an example of the CCMHome contextual menu.

CCMHome contextual menu


Available Actions

Action nameDescription
Create a new Component Creates an instance of the component type associated with the home (cf. ::Components::KeylessCCMHome::create_component).


Available Actions

Action nameDescription
Install Installs a component on a particular host where the ComponentInstallation object resides (cf. ::Components::Deployment::ComponentInstallation::install). You have to specify a reference name (UUID) and a file pointing to the location of the component package.

Here is the view of this menu in the OpenCCM console.

The CosNaming.NamingContext contextual menu

Here is an example of the action named "Install" which allows you to install an archive on a ComponentInstallation instance.

Install an archive on a ComponentInstallation

You have two ways to install an archive into the ComponentInstallation instance:

  • Using the browse button ("...") to provide the local path of the archive.
  • Specifying your own URL which allows to access to the archive resource.


Expanded Node View

Displays all created container references.

Available Actions

Action nameDescription
Create Container Creates a new container instance (cf. ::Components::Deployment::ComponentServer::create_container).
Remove from ComponentServer Removes the container from its ComponentServer (cf. ::Components::Deployment::ComponentServer::remove_container).

Here is the view of this menu in the OpenCCM console.

The ComponentServer contextual menu


Expanded Node View

Gives the list of CCMHome managed by the container. It displays the OMG IDL home type as key.

Available Actions

Action nameDescription
Install a Home Installs a new home into the container. You have to specify the UUID and the entry point parameters used by the container to locate an implementation file and instantiate a new home object. (cf. ::Components::Deployment::Container::install_home)
Remove Removes the container (cf. ::Components::Deployment::Container::remove).
Remove from Container Removes the given home from the container (cf. ::Components::Deployment::Container::remove_home).

Here is an example of the Container contextual menu.

Container contextual menu


Expanded Node View

Provides the references to ComponentServer and ComponentInstallation objects.

Available demo3 Customizations

Here is the list of of the added personalization for demonstration called demo3.

Let's note that the demo1 and the chat demos have the same personalizations.


Expanded Node View

Gives all the Server components managed by this home, displaying with the name attribute.

Action nameDescription
Create a new Server Creates a Server component with a specific name.


Expanded Node View

Gives all the Client components managed by this home, displaying with the name attribute.

Action nameDescription
Create a new Client Creates a Client component with a specific name.


Expanded Node View

Gives all the Consumer components managed by this home, displaying with the name attribute.

Action nameDescription
Create a new Consumer Creates a Consumer component with a specific name.

Available dinner Customizations

Here is the list of the added personalization for demonstration called dinner.


Expanded Node View

Gives all the Philosopher components managed by this home, displaying with the name attribute.

Available filetransfer Customizations

Here is the list of the added personalization for demonstration called filetransfer.


Expanded Node View

Gives all the TV components managed by this home, displaying with the the_name attribute.

Action nameDescription
Create a new TV Creates a TV component with a specific name.


Expanded Node View

Gives all the Channel components managed by this home, displaying with the the_name attribute.

Action nameDescription
Create a new Channel Creates a Channel component with a specific name.


Expanded Node View

Gives all the Program components managed by this home, displaying with the the_name attribute.

Action nameDescription
Create a new Program Creates a Program component with a specific directory containing the pictures to broadcast.

How to Write Your Own Plugin?

In order to help you to write customization of your own application, a user's guide will be written soon. Before that, you can take inspiration from the existing demonstration personalization.

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