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COACH Tracing Install Guide

This module uses an OpenCCM Platform already installed with its environment sourced.

The Utils module is needed to build a standalone documentation. Anyway, this documentation is integrated in the OpenCCM user's guide.

The COACH Tracing software can be checked out by using the alias coach_tracing.

Contents Structure

The COACH Tracing module contains the following directories and files :

 build.xmlANT script for compilation process.
demo/reactorDemoDemonstrator for the actor/reactor scenario.
externals/ External libraries (FCGI and JACL).
src/ The source code directory.
 ant/Additionnal ANT files for compilation.
 dtd/Contains the DTD for IDL XMl.
 idl/Contains the IDL definitions for the module.
 java/Java source tree.
 unix/Unix scripts.
 windows/Windows scripts.
 xml/XML files to be used by the Launcher.

Build Instructions

This module provides a build.xml file to be used by your ANT tool (which should be in your PATH environment setting).
As previously said, an OpenCCM platform must be previously installed, and its environment sourced before building the COACH Tracing software, because it uses OpenCCM's compilation chains.

$ ant

Thus, the full build can be achieved by simply running ANT without any argument.

Important : In the generated file, set to true the coach_tracing.needed property.

Results of Compilation

After compilation, a build directory is created. It contains the following directories and files:

ant/ ANT files built by other modules.
bin/ All generated binaries.
class/ All compiled Java classes.
externals/ Libraries which have been needed during compilation.
jar/ Archived Java packages.
java/ Generated Java files.
lib/ Final libraries.

See the user's guide for usage instructions.

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