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Comanche Module Install Guide

This module requires the following modules to work properly :

The Comanche module and all dependencies can be checked out by using the alias utils-comanche.

Contents Structure

The Comanche module contains the following directories and files :

 build.xmlANT main script for compilation process.
src/ The source code directory.
 java/Java source code of the server.
 unix/Unix scripts.
 windows/Windows scripts.
 xml/XML files to be used with the Launcher.
web/ Source files for this documentation.

Build Instructions

This module provides a build.xml file to be used by your ANT tool (which should be in your PATH environment setting).
A quick help message can be displayed with ANT project help :

$ ant -p
Buildfile: build.xml

    Comanche Server.

Main targets:

 clean    Cleans the Comanche Server.
 compile  Compiles the Comanche Server.
 jdoc     Generates the package documentation
 package  Packages the Comanche Server.
 script   Generates OS-dependent scripts for Comanche
Default target: script

The full build can be achieved by simply running ANT without any argument, since the script target depends on all needed others.

Results of Compilation

The compilation of the Comanche module feeds the build directory with the following directories and files:

ant/ ANT settings from the Launcher tool.
bin/ All generated commands.
class/ All compiled Java classes.
externals/ Libraries used during the compilation.
jar/ Archived Java packages.
java/ Java files generated by the Launcher build.
lib/ Final libraries.
xml/ XML files for the Launcher.

See the user's guide for usage instructions.

Copyright © 1999-2005, ObjectWeb Consortium | contact | webmaster | Last modified at 2005-07-07 02:04 PM