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Explorer Install Guide

This module requires the following modules to work properly:

The Explorer framework can be checked out by using the alias utils-explorer.

Contents Structure

The Explorer module contains the following directories and files:

 build.xmlANT script for compilation process.
examples/ Contains following uage examples :
 basic/Plug-in for Java basic objects.
 fractal-2.0/Plug-in for browsing Fractal application.
Warning: This example should be moved as a module of the ObjectWeb fractal project.
 map/Plug-in for managing java.util.Map object.
 reflector/Plug-in used to browse Java archive and to introspect Java classes.
externals/ Libraries used by this module only (beanshell, jgraph and swt).
src/ The source code directory.
 dtd/Contains the DTD specifying Explorer configuration files.
 fractal/Fractal source tree.
 java/Java source tree.
 junit/Junit source tree.
 log/Logger configuration files.
 resources/Default configurations for Explorer, icons, and JavaDoc files.
test/ Junit test suite.
web/ Repository for the module's documentation.

Build Instructions

This module provides a build.xml file to be used by your ANT tool (which should be in your PATH environment setting).
A quick help message can be displayed with ANT project help :

$ ant -p
Buildfile: build.xml

    Build file for compiling the Explorer framework.

Main targets:

 build           Main target to build the Explorer module.
 build_explorer  Build the Explorer jar archive.
 clean           Clean the project.
 clean_all       Clean all the project (including the distribution directory).
 distrib         Provide an archive version of the Explorer framework.
 doc             Builds the documentation in <build directory>/doc
 javadoc         Create the Javadoc documentation for developing a plug-in.
 javadoc_dev     Create all the project's Javadoc documentation.
 test            Run JUnit test for Explorer Framework.
Default target: build

Thus, the full build can be achieved by simply running ANT without any argument.

Results of Compilation

The compilation of the Explorer framework populates the build directory with following files :

class/ All compiled Java classes.
externals/ Libraries which have been needed during compilation.
fractal/ Fractal definitions files.
java/ Generated Java files.
lib/ Final libraries directory.

See the user's guide for usage instructions.

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