OpenCCM - PSS Module Install Guide

PSS Module Install Guide

The Persistency State Service module handles generators and wrappers for implementations of the OMG's CosPersistency spec.

This module requires the OpenCCM Platform to work properly since it is an add-on to it.

The PSS module and all dependencies can be checked out by using the alias openccm-pss.

Extra Requirements

You may have to provide the following extra requirements:

  • A Kodo JDO implementation (version 3.0.3).

Contents Structure

The PSS module contains the following directories and files :

 build.xmlAnt build file for the compilation process.
config/ The configuration directory.
 jdo/Java Data Objects (JDO) configuration dependencies.
 jdo/Kodo/Kodo JDO configuration dependencies.
 hibernate/Hibernate configuration dependencies.
demo/ The OpenCCM PSS module demonstrations directory.
 demo1/This illustrates a simple client / server application with persistent data.
externals/ OpenCCM PSS module external dependencies.
 jdo/The Sun Microsystem Java Database Objects (JDO) library.
 hibernate/Hibernate persistence framework.
src/ The OpenCCM PSS module source code directory.
 ant/All OpenCCM PSS module Ant files.
 idl/All OpenCCM PSS module OMG IDL files.
 java/All OpenCCM PSS module Java source code files.
 unix/All OpenCCM PSS module Unix scripts.
 windows/All OpenCCM PSS module Windows scripts.
 xml/All OpenCCM PSS module XML files.
web/ Source files for this documentation.

Configuration Instructions

To configure and compile the OpenCCM provided PSS software, you must have already installed :

Using the PSS material consists in tuning the build properties while compiling the production chain :

  1. Start the Ant tool a first time, just do

    $ ant

    As result, the file is generated in the OpenCCM CORBA module root directory.

  2. Edit the generated file and set the following variables:

    pss.neededThis property must be set to true to build the PSS materialYes The name of the persistence framework used to compile and execute OpenCCM PSS.

    Select one persistence framework name in the proposed list.
    jdbc.driver.jar The full path to the JDBC driver Jar file used to access your database. Yes The name of your JDO vendor used by the OpenCCM Persistent State Service.

    At this time, only Kodo JDO is supported.

    Select one JDO vendor name in the proposed list.
    Yes, if you use a JDO persistence framework
    jdo.impl.version The version of the JDO product used by the OpenCCM Persistent State Service. Yes, if you use a JDO persistence framework
    jdo.impl.home.dir The directory where the used JDO implementation is installed. Yes, if you use a JDO persistence framework

    Warning: On Windows systems, directories must be separated by '/' instead of '\', e.g. write c:/dev/OpenCCM instead of c:\dev\OpenCCM.

    Warning: Don't put some space characters at the end of lines of the previously configurated properties, else some Ant build errors would raise.

Build Instructions

This module provides a build.xml file to be used by your ANT tool (which should be in your PATH environment setting).

Thus, the full build can be achieved by simply running ANT without any argument :

  $ ant

Compilation Results

After compilation, a build directory is created. It contains the following directories and files :

ant/ All OpenCCM PSS module generated ant files (to use in application production).
bin/ All OpenCCM PSS module generated binaries.
class/ All OpenCCM PSS module compiled Java classes.
externals/ All OpenCCM PSS module external used Java archives at build time.
idl/ All OpenCCM PSS module OMG IDL files.
jar/ All OpenCCM PSS module generated Java archives.
java/ All OpenCCM PSS module generated Java source files.
lib/ All OpenCCM PSS module merged Java archives and externals dependencies.
xml/ All XML files (e.g for the launcher).
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