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UML Module Install Guide

This module requires the OpenCCM Platform to work properly since it is an add-on to it.

The UML module and all dependencies can be checked out by using the alias openccm-uml.

Contents Structure

The UML module contains the following directories and files :

 build.xmlANT main script for compilation process.
demo/ Contains UML files for each demo of the examples module.
externals/ Contains MdaTransf and ModFact libraries.
src/ The source code directory.
 ant/ANT files used for the compilation.
 cs/CORBAScript methods.
 java/Java source code, mainly the OpenCCM AST, generators and IR3 packages.
 log/Configuration files for loggers.
 poseidon/Poseidon software resource files.
 unix/Unix scripts.
 windows/Windows scripts.
 xml/XML files for the Launcher, MOF references and transformations.
test/sample.xmiXMI sample file.
web/ Source files for this documentation.

Build Instructions

This module provides a build.xml file to be used by your ANT tool (which should be in your PATH environment setting).
A quick help message can be displayed with ANT project help :

$ ant -p
Buildfile: build.xml

    Build file for compiling the OpenCCM UML Front End.

Main targets:

 OpenCCM.envi.init     Inits OpenCCM_HOMEDIR , OpenCCM_CONFIG_DIR, OW_HOMEDIR
 build                 Build the OpenCCM UML Front End Module in the <target.dir> directory
 build-uml             Build the OpenCCM UML Front End Module (without dependencies) in the <target.dir> directory
 clean                 Clean the OpenCCM UML Front End Module
 corba.init            Setup ANT pathes for the JRE and ORB libs
 corba.tasks.init      Defines the idl2java ANT task providing its implementation JAR
 create_configuration  Manages the user's file (created if needed)
 doc                   Builds the documentation in <build directory>/doc
 init                  Initialization of the UML Front End directories
 javadoc               Create the Javadoc documentation.
Default target: build

Thus, the full build can be achieved by simply running ANT without any argument.

Important : In the generated file, set to true the uml.needed property.

Results of Compilation

The compilation of the Production module feeds the build directory with the following directories and files:

ant/openccm.xmlANT files built by other modules.
bin/ All generated commands.
class/ All compiled Java classes and XMI files.
externals/ Libraries used during the compilation.
idl/ Repository for all IDL files from other modules.
jar/ Archived Java packages.
java/ Generated Java files.
lib/ow_openccm_uml.jarFinal libraries.
xml/ XML files for the Launcher.

See the user's guide for usage instructions.

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