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OpenCCM Module History

6 July 2005: OpenCCM 0.9.0 released

The OpenCCM core module included in OpenCCM 0.9.0 release has following changes:

  • Former openccm standalone module now holds the Runtime implementation.
    It also contains legacy code still needed for code production.
    This module depends on all others to provide the full featured OpenCCM Platform.
  • Corrected a multi-threading problem when several threads execute operation calls in parallel on a same component.
    Previously, a CORBA::UNKNOWN exception could be thrown due to a NullPointerException.
  • Added the new Ant target distrib to generate OpenCCM binary distribution.

For earlier versions changes, see the OpenCCM history.

Copyright © 1999-2005, ObjectWeb Consortium | contact | webmaster | Last modified at 2005-07-07 02:04 PM