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Production Module Install Guide

This module requires the following modules to work properly :

The Production module and all dependencies can be checked out by using the alias openccm-production.

Contents Structure

The Production module contains the following directories and files :

 build.xmlANT main script for compilation process.
externals/ OpenCCM Production module external dependencies.
 javacc/The JavaCC 3.2 tool.
 velocity/The Apache/Jakarta Velocity tool.
src/ The source code directory.
 ant/ANT files used for the compilation ; holds the template.
 idl/IDL definitions for the OpenCCM's CCM extension; AST and parser.
 java/Java source code, mainly the OpenCCM AST, generators and IR3 packages.
 unix/Unix scripts.
 windows/Windows scripts.
 xml/XML files to be used with the Launcher.
test/ All OpenCCM Production module test files.
 idl/All OpenCCM OMG IDL test files.
 ir3/All OpenCCM Interface Repository test files.
 psdl/All OpenCCM OMG PSDL test files.
 various/Various OpenCCM test files.
 sample.cidlThe OMG CIDL sample file used in the OpenCCM User's Guide.
 check_production_commands.batWindows script to test all OpenCCM Production module commands.
 check_production_commands.shUnix script to test all OpenCCM Production module commands.
 check_production_tasks.xml Ant file to test all OpenCCM Production module tasks

(Call it with $ ant -f check_production_tasks.xml).
 sample.idl3The OMG IDL 3.0 sample file used in the OpenCCM User's Guide.
 sample.psdlThe OMG PSDL sample file used in the OpenCCM User's Guide.
web/ Source files for this documentation.

Configuration Instructions

To configure and compile OpenCCM Production module, you must have already installed :

  1. A CORBA product supported by OpenCCM.
  2. A Ant tool version > or equals to 1.6.0 .

Then configuring OpenCCM Production module requires:

  1. To check if the JAVA_HOME shell variable is correctly set to the JDK you will use.
  2. To start the Ant tool a first time, just do

    $ ant

    As result, the file is generated in the OpenCCM Production module root directory.

  3. To edit the generated file and set the following variables:

    cpp.compilerThe path to an installed C/C++ preprocessor.
    By default, if not set then OpenCCM compilers will use their own Java-based preprocessor.

    Warning: On Windows systems, directories must be separated by '/' instead of '\', e.g. write c:/dev/OpenCCM instead of c:\dev\OpenCCM. Else a lot of errors will appear at compilation and execution times.

    Warning: Don't put some space characters at the end of lines of the previously configurated properties, else some Ant build errors would raise.

Build Instructions

This module provides a build.xml file to be used by your ANT tool (which should be in your PATH environment setting).
A quick help message can be displayed with ANT project help :

$ ant -p
Buildfile: build.xml

    Build file for compiling the OpenCCM Production Chain.

Main targets:

 build                 Main target to build the Production module.
 doc                   Builds the documentation in <build directory>/doc
Default target: build

Thus, the full build can be achieved by simply running ANT without any argument.

Results of Compilation

The compilation of the Production module feeds the build directory with the following directories and files:

ant/openccm.xmlThe OpenCCM ANT script which provides Production tasks and settings.
bin/ All generated commands.
class/ All compiled Java classes.
externals/ Libraries used during the compilation.
idl/ Repository for all IDL files.
jar/ Archived Java packages.
java/ Java files generated from DTDs or IDL files.
lib/ Final libraries.
xml/ XML files for the Launcher qnd the Trading Service.

See the user's guide for usage instructions.

Copyright © 1999-2005, ObjectWeb Consortium | contact | webmaster | Last modified at 2005-07-07 02:04 PM