6 July 2005: OpenCCM 0.9.0 released
The OpenCCM 0.9.0 release brings a major change in the organisation of the whole OpenCCM software including:
General changes
Split OpenCCM into several modules instead of only one module.
Improved the compilation time to build the whole OpenCCM platform.
Removed all absolute paths in files generated during the build process.
Now OpenCCM binary distribution could be produced.
Added support for CYGWIN on Windows systems.
Utils Module
The common utils used in the OpenCCM Platform have been extracted from the OpenCCM core module
in the utils module, as an independant module.
This module becomes the base dependency for all others.
Launcher Module
The launcher tool version 2.0 is used in all modules.
It has been extracted in the launcher module.
Comanche Module
Now extracted in the independant comanche module,
this HTTP server can be used separately.
Explorer Module
The Browser framework was redesigned and renamed to Explorer framework
and was imported into the explorer module.
Added support for scripting Explorer plug-ins with BeanShell.
CCM Explorer Module
The CCM Explorer console was extracted from the OpenCCM core module
and was imported into the ccm_explorer module.
Added support for scripting CCM Explorer plug-ins with BeanShell.
CORBA Module
Added the new corba module which contains ORB wrappers.
Added the new idl2java command and Ant task to compile OMG IDL 2.x files to Java
independently of the underlying used CORBA product.
Production Module
Corrected the
OpenCCM Bug #301243.
Added the new production module which contains CCM Interface Repository and
Abstract Syntax Tree, IDL/PSDL/CIDL parser and basic generators.
Added OpenCCM Ant Tasks for production chain.
Added the CIDL dependencies generator.
This tool is used to easily create one archive per CIDL composition.
UML Module
Added the new uml module which contains all the needed elements for the interaction
between a CCM application and its representation in UML.
Added a new OMG IDL 3.0, OMG CIDL and Java implementation files generator in the UML module.
This script allows you to parse a specified XMI 1.1 UML 1.4 document and to generate the corresponding
OMG IDL 3.0, CIDL and Java implementation files (CIF or monolithic).
PSS Module
The Persistency State Service (PSS) module handles generators
and wrappers for implementations of the OMG's CosPersistency spec.
Added the new pss module which contains the version 0.2 of the Persistent State Service.
Included support for JDO and Hibernate persistent frameworks.
Packaging Assembling Module
Extracted the OpenCCM Packaging Assembling Tool Chain
in the packaging_assembling_tool module.
Added the command-line based car_maker and aar_maker commands
for direct creation of CAR and AAR files respectively.
OpenCCM Module
Former openccm standalone module now holds the Runtime implementation.
It also contains legacy code still needed for code production.
This module depends on all others to provide the full featured OpenCCM Platform.
Corrected a multi-threading problem when several threads
execute operation calls in parallel on a same component.
Previously, a CORBA::UNKNOWN exception could be thrown
due to a NullPointerException.
Added the new Ant target distrib to generate OpenCCM binary distribution.
DCI Module
The OpenCCM Distributed Computing Infrastructure (DCI)
has been extracted from the OpenCCM core module
in the dci module, as an independent module.
Since the DCI is a CCM based application for CCM based deployments,
it is still based on OpenCCM's Production Chain to be built.
Corrected the
OpenCCM Bug #300553.
COACH Tracing Module
This IST-COACH contribution from Lucent can be now checked out separately
through the coach_tracing module.
This includes the web site structure, as well as the Actor-Reactor and Trace Server components.
Examples Module
The OpenCCM demonstrations have been extracted from the core module
in the examples module.
They can be downloaded separately, and their behaviour regarding usage of OpenCCM Production Chain
and Runtime libraries should be taken in example.
MicroCCM Module
This new module contains a C++-based implementation of the OMG Lightweight CORBA Components Specification.
PDA Module
Updated support for ORBacus-4.1.
Added support for JacORB-2.1 and JacORB-2.2.
Please see here
for detailed information on this new release.
3 January 2005: OpenCCM 0.8.2 released
This OpenCCM 0.8.2 release includes:
Some Bug Corrections
Supported Environments
Added support for JacORB 2.2 and 2.2.1.
Added support for Java 5.0.
Management Tool Chain
Added support for the COACH Tracing Service on JacORB 2.x.
Execution Tool Chain
Pushing events asynchronously via threads and detecting event consumer crashes.
Launcher now supports the "mode" attribute feature, allowing to specify the execution kind (thread, normal, daemon).
Please see here
for detailed information on this new release.
16 April 2004: OpenCCM 0.8.1 released
This OpenCCM 0.8.1 release includes:
Some bug corrections
See the OpenCCM Bugs
Added support for MacOS X platforms
Ported on JacORB 2.1.
Ported on OpenORB 1.4.0-BETA1
Added the JavaCC 3.2 tool as external package
to generate the OpenCCM OMG IDL/PSDL/CIDL parser
Updated the
xmi2ir command
Taken the CCM CIF concepts into account
Replaced the CORBA-based UML repository by a JMI-based one
Improved compilation time
Reduced code size
Added a new generator to generate class files dependencies from CIDL compositions
Updated the
cif_jimpl generator
::Components::EnterpriseComponent and ::Components::SessionComponent operations.
See the OpenCCM Task #915.
Added an option to the
psdl_java generator
to allow users to specify its classes inheritance in a properties file
Externalisation of the CIF IDL interfaces generator.
Updated the OpenCCM Interface Repository to allow to disable the OMG IDL 2.x mapping computation
Completed deployment functionnalities.
See the OpenCCM Task #1494.
Added support for CSD
dependency elements
with attribute type equals to "Java Class"
and attribute action equals to "install" .
Allowed component instantiations from already existing homes,
see OpenCCM specific
and existinghome
elements added to the XML DTD for Component Assembly Descriptor (CAD).
Changed the
componentfiles element from mandatory to optional.
Supported the
sequence element in CPF descriptions (partially done).
Supported component archives in component assembly archives.
Added the parametrisation of the deployment stopping/continuing in failure cases.
Improvement of the component assembly file checking.
Now comprehensive messages are printed pointing out the problem.
Improvement of the deployment machine architecture to integrate
new destination support for advanced users.
Added a deployment logger mechanism based on the deployment machine components state.
Improvement of the DCI architecture reliability.
Added the Persistent State Service 0.2
OpenCCM for PDA module
Added the new pda module with its documentation
Support for Linux PDA.
New features to configurate and automatically install OpenCCM on Windows CE PDA devices (connected via an ActiveSync link).
Added new CosNaming service and DCI Manager arguments for distributed execution on several devices.
- New commands to set and remotely access to the IOR of started OpenCCM services from device
dci_set), and launch the OpenCCM Browser under a Linux PDA device!
See the OpenCCM Task #1475 and the OpenCCM Task #1605 for more details.
Added the OpenCCM Comanche Server allowing you to remotely access
to the IOR of started OpenCCM services.
Added new commands to set the IOR of OpenCCM services to use.
Added documentation on how to execute OpenCCM in a distributed system.
Improvement of the Browser Framework.
Added new features:
- Improvement of the "view panel" management.
- Added a status bar management.
- Configuration of the initial context in the Browser configuration file.
- Supported zip archives into the Browser configuration file.
Added examples of Browser Framework instances (One to browse Fractal components).
Added role management.
A documentation of the Browser Framework is now available here.
Improvement of the OpenCCM Browser.
Added information about CORBA Object in the status bar.
Enhanced the existing plug-ins (Renaming a binding in the CosNaming, New panels for CosNaming and Components).
Created new actions on CORBA Objects (Ping, Save IOR to file).
Added a plug-in for managing DCI. (Browse the DCI, install/build/tear down/destroy an Assembly).
Added several roles/views (CosNaming administrator, Components administrator, Deployment administrator, ...).
Added a mechanism to display/modify attributes of CORBA objects and CCM components (see the "chat" demo for detail).
Added support for ORBacus and Unix environments for the COACH
Tracing Server.
See the OpenCCM Task #1960.
Now this tracing server can be used with Unix environments,
and ORBacus hasn't the NS reference problem anymore.
See instructions to use this feature
OpenCCM's Packaging/Assembling Tool new module
See the OpenCCM Task #106.
Added the new openccm-pat CVS module alias. See the
Guide's section to know how to build it. The tool is
now fully standalone.
Using an up-to-date
Apollon version, which avoids external icons or XML config
Improved GUIs with more icons and a re-organisation for some
Added support for CAR and AAR file opening for edition.
Supporting the OpenCCM's DCI with
OpenCCM's user guide for usage instructions.
Added the DCI Node Properties Descriptor (NPD) Graphic Editor, see the
OpenCCM Task #1466.
Added the OpenCCM presentation done at the
3rd ObjectWeb Conference 2003,
INRIA Rocquencourt, France, 20th - 21th November 2003
See the new slides
Please see here
for detailed information on this new release.
20 October 2003: OpenCCM 0.8 released
This OpenCCM 0.8 release includes:
Many bug corrections
See the OpenCCM Bugs
Support for SUN JDK 1.4.1 & 1.4.2.
Improvement of the support for Borland Enterprise Server (BES) 5.0.2.
Improvement of the support for Borland Enterprise Server (BES) 5.2.
Thanks to Mike Gratsas for contribution.
Support for JacORB 2.0
Improvement of the support for The Community OpenORB 1.2.1.
Support for The Community OpenORB 1.3.1
Improvement of the support for The Community OpenORB 1.4.0
A new front-end for XMI UML files to design the application in an UML tool and to feed the interface repository with this model.
A new generator for Java business component implementation templates from OMG CIDL files
Support for the CORBA Trading Service
Support for starting deployment from PDA (Win CE)
Support for XML DTD Formal Public Identifiers (FPI) which enable CCM descriptors portability
Added the
operation for obtaining the Container where the home is installed
Added the Distributed Computing Infrastructure (DCI) defined by
the IST COACH project
Improvement of the Launcher Tool
Improvement of the graphical Packaging/Assembling tools
See the OpenCCM Task #106.
Added support for CORBA Component Descriptor (CCD) and Property File Descriptor (CPF).
Direct access to associated CORBA Component Descriptors (CCD) and Property File Descriptors (CPF) during packaging.
In a same manner, added direct access to involved descriptors of a Component Assembly Descriptor (i.e.: CSD, CCD, or CPF files).
Merge of packaging and assembling tool in a single one, covering the whole providing of deployment meta-information for an application.
Both Component and Assembly ZIP archives can be built from the descriptors.
Template files for OMG IDL, Java, Unix, Windows, and XML
List of the projects related to OpenCCM
Three new french tutorials presented during
the 4th Summer School
on Middleware and Building Distributed Applications (ICAR 2003)
Please see here
for detailed information on this new release.
16 July 2003: OpenCCM 0.7 released
This OpenCCM 0.7 release includes:
Many bug corrections,
see Bugs
#123, #210, #221, #222, #223, #224, #229, #241, #242, #247,
#258, #271, #278, #279, #297, #306, #311, #314, #316, #323,
#345, #347, #348, #349 ;
Full restructuration of the Ant build process to be more modular,
see here
for more details ;
The Borland Enterprise Server 5.2 supported ;
The Communauty OpenORB 1.4.0 supported ;
Latest OMG CORBA Components Specification documents,
see here ;
Two new demonstrations, a componentized chat and file transfer
see OpenCCM Task #202
here for more information ;
OMG Persistent State Service implementation
including the PSDL compiler, the Java code generator,
and the runtime based on JDO,
see the new psdl_java
script and the OpenCCM's Persistent State Service
documentation ;
Graphical user interface packaging and assembling tools,
see OpenCCM Task #106
for more information ;
Improvements of the deployment infrastructure,
more XML elements supported and implementation of the
Components::HomeFinder ,
Components::Deployment::AssemblyFactory ,
Components::Deployment::Assembly , and
standard CCM interfaces,
for more information ;
Added the
operation for obtaining the list of components managed by a home,
see OpenCCM Task #268 ;
A graphical console tool for browsing and interacting with
components at runtime,
for more information ;
Created the new mailing list
openccm-commits at objectweb.org
to trace commits in the OpenCCM's CVS.
Added installation instructions for running OpenCCM
on PDA under Windows CE,
OpenCCM Task #453
for more information ;
28 March 2003: OpenCCM 0.6 released
This OpenCCM 0.6 release includes:
Many bug corrections,
see Bugs
#104, #105, #114, #117, #137, #140, #141, #178, #203, #204, #207 ;
A new OMG IDL 3.0/PSDL/CIDL compilation chain,
see the OpenCCM's
Compilation Chain User's Guide ;
A new basic C/C++ preprocessor written in Java,
see the OpenCCM's
Compilation Chain User's Guide ;
A new ir3_destroy command,
see the OpenCCM's
Compilation Chain User's Guide ;
A code generator for CIDL definitions
providing CIDL to OMG IDL mapping and
CIDL-based component executor skeletons,
see the OpenCCM's
Compilation Chain User's Guide ;
A runtime for supporting CIDL component executor segmentation ;
All demonstrations include CIDL descriptions and CIDL-based component implementations ;
Improvements of the XML-based CCM deploy tool,
OpenORB supported and registerwithnaming XML tag ;
A Trace Service based on the ObjectWeb's Monolog framework ;
The "Inside OpenCCM" Developer Guide.
Internally, this OpenCCM 0.6 release includes:
A command line framework to parse command line arguments ;
A preprocessor framework to run Java-based and external C/C++
preprocessors ;
A launcher framework to start Java-based applications.
20 December 2002: OpenCCM 0.5 released
The OpenCCM 0.5 release provides many bug corrections
and some new features like a XMI 1.1 generator, a CIDL/PSDL compiler
and a XML deployment tool.
8 July 2002: OpenCCM 0.4 released
OpenCCM 0.4 is a major release that provides many technical
changes and some new very interesting features.
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