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Table of Contents

Warning: The OpenCCM User's Guide is now split into the following documents:

  1. OpenCCM User's Guide home page
  2. The OpenCCM's Compilation Chain
  3. Generation and implementation rules
  4. The OpenCCM's Execution Chain
  5. Demonstrations
  6. Writing an application with OpenCCM
  7. Writing CCM XML meta files

The OpenCCM's Compilation Chain

The OpenCCM's Compilation Chain is composed of the following tools:

ir3_startStarts the OpenCCM's OMG IDL 3.0 Repository (called IR3).
ir3_startedChecks if the OpenCCM's IR3 is started.
ir3_stopStops the OpenCCM's IR3.
idl3_checkChecks if the specified OMG IDL 3.0 file is correct.
ir3_feedFeeds the specified OMG IDL 3.0 file into the OpenCCM's IR3.
ir3_destroyDestroys an IR3 object from the OpenCCM's IR3.
ir3_idl3Generates an OMG IDL 3.0 file associated to an IR3 object and its childs.
ir3_idl2Generates OMG IDL 2.4 files associated to an IR3 object and its childs.
ir3_javaGenerates all Java OpenCCM skeletons associated to an IR3 object and its childs.
ir3_jimplGenerates all Java implementation templates associated to an IR3 object and its childs.
ir3_xmiGenerates an XMI 1.1 UML document associated to an IR3 object and its childs.
cidl_cifCompiles an OMG CIDL file and generates all associated OMG IDL and Java component executor skeleton files.
cidlCompiles a file and regenerates the OMG CIDL part only.
psdlCompiles a file and regenerates the OMG PSDL part only.

Starting the OpenCCM's OMG IDL 3.0 Repository

The OpenCCM's Compilation Chain is mainly based on the use of an OMG IDL 3.0 Repository.

Note that before using any OpenCCM's Compilation Chain tool, it is required to start the OpenCCM's OMG IDL 3.0 Repository (called IR3).

The ir3_start script starts the OpenCCM's IR3, e.g.:

$ ir3_start
The OpenCCM's OMG IDL3 Repository will be started.
Creating the $OpenCCM_CONFIG_DIR directory.
Launching the OpenCCM's IR3.
Feeding the OpenCCM's IR3 with the IFR_3_0.idl file.
. . .
Feeding the OpenCCM's IR3 with the Components.idl file.
. . .
The OpenCCM's OMG IDL3 Repository is started.

Note that this script automatically creates the $OpenCCM_CONFIG_DIR directory if it does not exist, launches the OpenCCM's IR3 process, and feeds it with the IFR_3_0.idl and Components.idl files.

Moreover, the IOR, PID, and standard output of the started OpenCCM's IR3 are stored into the OpenCCM's Configuration Repository, e.g.:

IR3.IOR IR3.PID IR3.output IR3.start

Warning: Only one OpenCCM's IR3 can be started for an OpenCCM's Configuration Repository, e.g.:

$ ir3_start
Error: The OpenCCM's OMG IDL3 Repository is already started!

See the ir3_stop script to stop the started OpenCCM's IR3.

Checking if the OpenCCM's OMG IDL 3.0 Repository is started

The ir3_started script checks if the OpenCCM's IR3 is started, e.g.:

$ ir3_stop
. . .
$ ir3_started
Error: The OpenCCM's OMG IDL3 Repository is not started!

Note that this OpenCCM script is mainly used by other OpenCCM scripts to check if the OpenCCM's IR3 is started or not.

Stopping the OpenCCM's OMG IDL 3.0 Repository

The ir3_stop script stops the previously started OpenCCM's IR3, e.g.:

$ ir3_start
. . .
$ ir3_stop
The OpenCCM's OMG IDL3 Repository will be stopped.
Removing the $OpenCCM_CONFIG_DIR directory.
The OpenCCM's OMG IDL3 Repository is stopped.

Note that this script shutdowns the OpenCCM's IR3 process, removes its associated IOR, PID, and standard output files, and removes the $OpenCCM_CONFIG_DIR directory.

Checking an OMG IDL 3.0 file

The idl3_check script checks if the specified OMG IDL 3.0 file is correct, e.g.:

$ cat test/sample.idl3
// This file is the OMG IDL 3.0 example used in the OpenCCM User's Guide.
#pragma prefix ""
module sample
  component MyComponent {};
  home MyHome manages MyComponent {};
$ idl3_check test/sample.idl3
idl3_check 0.6: Reading from file test/sample.idl3...
idl3_check 0.6: Preprocessing file test/sample.idl3...
idl3_check 0.6: File test/sample.idl3 preprocessed.
idl3_check 0.6: Compiling test/sample.idl3 file...
idl3_check 0.6: Compilation completed: 0 warning.

The idl3_check script supports the following options:

-h or
Display usage and help information, and exit.
--versionOutput version information and exit.
--silentSilent output messages.
--cpp pathSet the path to the external C preprocessor used.
-PInhibit generation of #-lines with line-number information.
Define NAME as DEF, default is 1.
-UNAMERemove any definition for NAME
-IDIRPut DIR in the include file search path.

To obtain usage and help information, do:

$ idl3_check --help
Usage: idl3_check [-h|--help] [--version] [--silent] [--cpp path] [-P] [-DNAME|-DNAME=DEF] [-UNAME] [-IDIR] omg_idl_file

  -h, --help         Display this information and exit
  --version          Output version information and exit
  --silent           Silent output messages
  --cpp path         Set the path to the external C preprocessor used
  -P                 Inhibit generation of #-lines with line-number information
  -DNAME, -DNAME=DEF Define NAME as DEF, default is 1
  -UNAME             Remove any definition for NAME
  -IDIR              Put DIR in the include file search path

  Compile and check an OMG IDL file


To obtain version information, do:

$ idl3_check --version
OpenCCM idl3_check 0.6

Copyright (C) 2000-2003 INRIA - USTL - LIFL - GOAL
. . .

By default, the idl3_check script displays messages. To silent this output messages, do:

$ idl3_check --silent test/sample.idl3

By default, the idl3_check script uses an internal preprocessor written in Java. However, it is possible to use any external C/C++ preprocessor, e.g.:

$ idl3_check --cpp /usr/bin/cpp test/sample.idl3
. . .

Note that the standard -P, -D, -U and -I options for the C/C++ preprocessor could be passed as arguments to idl3_check before the file name, e.g.:

$ idl3_check -DFOO -Itest test/sample.idl3
. . .

When some preprocessing options are often used, e.g. -IAnIncludeDir, -DTheMacro, then they could be set by default in the xml/launcher/IDL3Check.xml file if they are specific to the idl3_check script or in the xml/launcher/Compiler.xml file if they are required by all compilation scripts.

Feeding an OMG IDL 3.0 file into the OpenCCM's IR3

Warning: To use any of the generation OpenCCM tools, it is required to feed the OpenCCM's IR3 with OMG IDL 3.0 files.

The ir3_feed script allows one to compile a specified OMG IDL 3.0 file and to feed the OpenCCM's IR3, e.g.:

$ ir3_feed test/sample.idl3
ir3_feed 0.6: Reading from file test/sample.idl3...
ir3_feed 0.6: Preprocessing file test/sample.idl3...
ir3_feed 0.6: File test/sample.idl3 preprocessed.
ir3_feed 0.6: Compiling test/sample.idl3 file...
ir3_feed 0.6: Compilation completed: 0 warning.

Warning: OMG IDL files must be fed into the OpenCCM's OMG IDL 3.0 Repository only once!!!

The ir3_feed script supports the following options:

-h or
Display usage and help information, and exit.
--versionOutput version information and exit.
--silentSilent output messages.
--cpp pathSet the path to the external C preprocessor used.
-PInhibit generation of #-lines with line-number information.
Define NAME as DEF, default is 1.
-UNAMERemove any definition for NAME
-IDIRPut DIR in the include file search path.

To obtain usage and help information, do:

$ ir3_feed --help
Usage: ir3_feed [-h|--help] [--version] [--silent] [--cpp path] [-P] [-DNAME|-DNAME=DEF] [-UNAME] [-IDIR] omg_idl_file

  -h, --help         Display this information and exit
  --version          Output version information and exit
  --silent           Silent output messages
  --cpp path         Set the path to the external C preprocessor used
  -P                 Inhibit generation of #-lines with line-number information
  -DNAME, -DNAME=DEF Define NAME as DEF, default is 1
  -UNAME             Remove any definition for NAME
  -IDIR              Put DIR in the include file search path

  Feed the OpenCCM's Interface Repository with an OMG IDL file


To obtain version information, do:

$ ir3_feed --version
OpenCCM ir3_feed 0.6

Copyright (C) 2000-2003 INRIA - USTL - LIFL - GOAL
. . .

By default, the ir3_feed script displays messages. To silent this output messages, do:

$ ir3_feed --silent test/sample.idl3

By default, the ir3_feed script uses an internal preprocessor written in Java. However, it is possible to use any external C/C++ preprocessor, e.g.:

$ ir3_feed --cpp /usr/bin/cpp test/sample.idl3
. . .

Note that the standard -P, -D, -U and -I options for the C/C++ preprocessor could be passed as arguments to ir3_feed before the file name, e.g.:

$ ir3_feed -DFOO -Itest test/sample.idl3
. . .

When some preprocessing options are often used, e.g. -IAnIncludeDir, -DTheMacro, then they could be set by default in the xml/launcher/IR3Feed.xml file if they are specific to the ir3_feed script or in the xml/launcher/Compiler.xml file if they are required by all compilation scripts.

Destroying an IR3 object from the OpenCCM's IR3

The ir3_destroy script allows one to destroy a specified object from the OpenCCM's IR3.

Destroying an object from the OpenCCM's IR3 requires to provide its full OMG IDL scope name, e.g.:

$ ir3_destroy ::sample
ir3_destroy 0.6: ::sample destroyed successfully.

If the object to destroy does not exist in the Interface Repository, then an error is reported, e.g.:

$ ir3_destroy ::sample
ir3_destroy 0.6: ::sample not found in the Interface Repository!

If the object is referenced by other IR3 objects, then it could not be destroyed until other objects are destroyed, e.g.:

$ ir3_feed test/sample.idl3
. . .
$ ir3_destroy sample::MyComponent
ir3_destroy 0.6: sample::MyComponent not destroyed because dependency exits in IFR preventing destruction!

$ ir3_destroy sample::MyHome
ir3_destroy 0.6: sample::MyHome destroyed successfully.

$ ir3_destroy sample::MyComponent
ir3_destroy 0.6: sample::MyComponent destroyed successfully.

The ir3_destroy script supports the following options:

-h or
Display usage and help information, and exit.
--versionOutput version information and exit.
--silentSilent output messages.

To obtain usage and help information, do:

$ ir3_destroy --help
Usage: ir3_destroy [-h|--help] [--version] [--silent] omg_idl_scoped_name

  -h, --help Display this information and exit
  --version  Output version information and exit
  --silent   Silent output messages

  Destroy an object from the OpenCCM's Interface Repository


To obtain version information, do:

$ ir3_destroy --version
OpenCCM ir3_destroy 0.6

Copyright (C) 2000-2003 INRIA - USTL - LIFL - GOAL
. . .

By default, the ir3_destroy script displays messages. To silent this output messages, do:

$ ir3_feed test/sample.idl3
. . .
$ ir3_destroy --silent sample

Generating an OMG IDL 3.0 file associated to an IR3 object

The ir3_idl3 script allows one to generate the OMG IDL 3.0 definition associated to an OpenCCM's IR3 object and its child objects, e.g.:

$ ir3_idl3 sample
ir3_idl3 0.6: Generating OMG IDL 3.0 for sample...
ir3_idl3 0.6: OMG IDL 3.0 generated in generated.idl3.
$ cat generated.idl3
. . .
#pragma prefix ""
module sample
    component MyComponent;

    component MyComponent
    home MyHome
         manages ::sample::MyComponent


The ir3_idl3 script supports the following options:

-h or
Display usage and help information, and exit.
--versionOutput version information and exit.
--silentSilent output messages.
-o outputfileSet the output file name, default is generated.idl3.
-i ir_objectAdd import ir_object statement.

To obtain usage and help information, do:

$ ir3_idl3 --help
Usage: ir3_idl3 [-h|--help] [--version] [--silent] [-o outputfile] [-i ir_object] declaration

  -h, --help    Display this information and exit
  --version     Output version information and exit
  --silent      Silent output messages
  -o outputfile Set the output file name, default is generated.idl3
  -i ir_object  Add import ir_object statement

  Generate OMG IDL 3.0 for a declaration from the OpenCCM's Interface Repository


To obtain version information, do:

$ ir3_idl3 --version
OpenCCM ir3_idl3 0.6

Copyright (C) 2000-2003 INRIA - USTL - LIFL - GOAL
. . .

By default, the ir3_idl3 script displays messages. To silent this output messages, do:

$ ir3_idl3 --silent sample

By default, the ir3_idl3 script generates the OMG IDL 3.0 definition into the generated.idl3 file.
However, this script can produce the output into a file specified by the -o outputfile option, e.g.:

$ ir3_idl3 -o tmp.idl3 sample
ir3_idl3 0.6: Generating OMG IDL 3.0 for sample ...
ir3_idl3 0.6: OMG IDL 3.0 generated in tmp.idl3.
$ cat tmp.idl3
. . .
#pragma prefix ""
module sample
    component MyComponent;

    component MyComponent
    home MyHome
         manages ::sample::MyComponent


Using the -i option produces an import statement at the begin of the generated OMG IDL 3.0 file, e.g.:

$ ir3_idl3 -i Components sample
. . .
$ cat generated.idl3
. . .
import Components;
. . .

Generating equivalent OMG IDL 2.4 mapping for an IR3 object

The ir3_idl2 script allows one to generate the OMG IDL 2.4 CCM's mapping associated to an OpenCCM's IR3 object and its child objects, e.g.:

$ ir3_idl2 sample
ir3_idl2 0.6: Generating OMG IDL2 for sample...
ir3_idl2 0.6: OMG IDL2 generated in generated.idl and generated_local.idl.

The generated.idl file contains the remote OMG IDL 2.4 interfaces allowing clients to interact with components and homes.

$ cat generated.idl
. . .

#include <Components.idl>

#pragma prefix ""
module sample
    interface MyComponent;
    interface MyHomeExplicit;
    interface MyHomeImplicit;
    interface MyHome;

    interface MyComponent
                  : ::Components::CCMObject
    interface MyHomeExplicit
                  : ::Components::CCMHome
    interface MyHomeImplicit
                  : ::Components::KeylessCCMHome
        ::sample::MyComponent create()
    interface MyHome
                  : ::sample::MyHomeExplicit,


The generated_local.idl file contains the local OMG IDL 2.4 interfaces allowing developers to implement components and homes.

$ cat generated_local.idl
. . .
#include "generated.idl"

#pragma prefix ""
module sample
    local interface CCM_MyComponent_Executor;
    local interface CCM_MyComponent;
    local interface CCM_MyComponent_Context;
    local interface CCM_MyHomeExplicit;
    local interface CCM_MyHomeImplicit;
    local interface CCM_MyHome;

    local interface CCM_MyComponent_Executor
                  : ::Components::EnterpriseComponent
    local interface CCM_MyComponent
                  : ::sample::CCM_MyComponent_Executor
    local interface CCM_MyComponent_Context
                  : ::Components::CCMContext
    local interface CCM_MyHomeExplicit
                  : ::Components::HomeExecutorBase
    local interface CCM_MyHomeImplicit
        ::Components::EnterpriseComponent create()
    local interface CCM_MyHome
                  : ::sample::CCM_MyHomeExplicit,

See the CORBA Component Model Specification for more information about the OMG IDL 2.4 mapping.

The ir3_idl2 script supports the following options:

-h or
Display usage and help information, and exit.
--versionOutput version information and exit.
--silentSilent output messages.
-o outputfileSet the output file name, default is generated.idl3.
-i fileAdd a #include <file> statement.
-ipath fileAdd a #include "file" statement where file must be the complete file path.

To obtain usage and help information, do:

$ ir3_idl2 --help
Usage: ir3_idl2 [-h|--help] [--version] [--silent] [-o outputfile] [-i file] [-ipath file] declaration

  -h, --help    Display this information and exit
  --version     Output version information and exit
  --silent      Silent output messages
  -o outputfile Set the output file name, default is generated.idl
  -i file       Add a #include <file> statement
  -ipath file   Add a #include "file" statement where
                file must be the complete file path

  Generate OMG IDL2 for a declaration from the OpenCCM's Interface Repository


To obtain version information, do:

$ ir3_idl2 --version
OpenCCM ir3_idl2 0.6

Copyright (C) 2000-2003 INRIA - USTL - LIFL - GOAL
. . .

By default, the ir3_idl2 script displays messages. To silent this output messages, do:

$ ir3_idl2 --silent sample

By default, the ir3_idl2 script generates the OMG IDL 2.4 CCM's mapping into the generated.idl and generated_local.idl files.
However, this script can produce the output into files specified by the -o outputfile option, e.g.:

$ ir3_idl2 -o tmp.idl sample
ir3_idl2 0.6: Generating OMG IDL2 for sample...
ir3_idl2 0.6: OMG IDL2 generated in tmp.idl and tmp_local.idl.
$ cat tmp.idl tmp_local.idl
. . .

Using the -i flag produces an #include statement at the begin of the generated OMG IDL 2.4 file, e.g.:

$ ir3_idl2 -i file1.idl sample
. . .
$ cat generated.idl
. . .
#include <file1.idl>
. . .

Using the -ipath flag produces a user #include statementat the begin of the generated OMG IDL 2.4 file, e.g.:

$ ir3_idl2 -ipath file2.idl sample
. . .
$ cat generated.idl
. . .
#include "file2.idl"
. . .

Generating the Java OpenCCM skeletons associated to an IR3 object

The ir3_java script allows one to generate the Java OpenCCM skeletons associated to an OpenCCM's IR3 object and its child objects, e.g.:

$ ir3_java ::sample
. . .
File 'org/objectweb/ccm/sample/' has been generated
File 'org/objectweb/ccm/sample/' has been generated
File 'org/objectweb/ccm/sample/' has been generated
File 'org/objectweb/ccm/sample/' has been generated
File 'org/objectweb/ccm/sample/' has been generated
File 'org/objectweb/ccm/sample/' has been generated
File 'org/objectweb/ccm/sample/' has been generated
. . .
$ ls org/objectweb/ccm/sample        

See Generation and implementation rules for more information.

Generating all the Java implementation templates associated to an IR3 object

The ir3_jimpl script allows one to generate the Java implementation templates associated to an OpenCCM's IR3 object and its child objects, e.g.:

$ ir3_jimpl ::sample
. . .
File 'org/objectweb/ccm/sample/' has been generated
File 'org/objectweb/ccm/sample/' has been generated. . .
. . .
$ ls org/objectweb/ccm/sample

These generated files could be used as starting point to implement components and homes, i.e. writting their functional part.

See Generation and implementation rules for more information.

Generating an XMI 1.1 UML document for an IR3 object

The ir3_xmi script generates valid XMI 1.1 documents conform to the OMG XMI 1.1 UML DTD (see OMG TC Document ad/99-10-05.txt) available for download at the XMI 1.1 Specification section at the OMG website. This script conforms with the OMG UML Profile for CORBA Specification (see OMG TC Document formal/02-04-01) even when dealing with CORBA Components declarations. This may change in a future release when the UML Profile for CORBA Components Specification will be published.

The ir3_xmi script allows one to generate the OMG XMI 1.1 UML document associated to an OpenCCM's IR3 object and its child objects, e.g.:

$ ir3_xmi sample
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
. . .
<XMI xmi.version="1.1" xmlns:UML="org.omg/UML1.3">
            <XMI.exporter>OpenCCM XMI generator</XMI.exporter>
    . . .

By default, the ir3_xmi script generates the OMG XMI 1.1 UML document to the standard output.
However, this script can produce the output into a file specified by the -o filename option, e.g.:

$ ir3_xmi -o tmp.xml sample
$ cat tmp.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
. . .
<XMI xmi.version="1.1" xmlns:UML="org.omg/UML1.3">
            <XMI.exporter>OpenCCM XMI generator</XMI.exporter>
    . . .

The generated XMI UML document will always declare the XMI UML DTD it refers to. If none has been specified from the command line, the XMI document will assume that the XMI DTD is stored in the same directory as itself and named xmi.dtd.

Using the -dtd xmi_dtd option allows one to set the full path location of the XMI UML DTD file, e.g.:

$ ir3_xmi -dtd UML.dtd sample
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
. . .
. . .

Setting the correct location of the XMI UML DTD is only required when the user wants to validate generated XMI UML documents.

Currently, the XMI 1.1 UML DTD is located in the src/dtd/xmi/XMI_1_1_UML.dtd file.

Compiling an OMG CIDL file and generating associated files

The cidl_cif script allows one to compile an OMG CIDL file and generate:

  • local OMG IDL interfaces mapping OMG CIDL definitions
  • Java component and home executor skeletons implementing previous interfaces
$ cat test/sample.cidl
// This file is the OMG CIDL example used in the OpenCCM User's Guide.
#pragma prefix ""
module sample
   composition session SampleSessionComposition
       home executor HomeImpl
           implements MyHome;
           manages ComponentImpl;
$ cidl_cif test/sample.cidl
cidl_cif 0.6: Reading from file test/sample.cidl...
cidl_cif 0.6: Preprocessing file test/sample.cidl...
cidl_cif 0.6: File test/sample.cidl preprocessed.
cidl_cif 0.6: Compiling test/sample.cidl file...
cidl_cif 0.6: Compilation completed: 0 warning.
cidl_cif 0.6: Generating CIF mapping from test/sample.cidl...
cidl_cif 0.6: OMG IDL mapping generated in generated_cif.idl.
cidl_cif 0.6: Generating CIF implementations...
File '.../generated/org/objectweb/ccm/sample/SampleSessionComposition/' has been generated
File '.../generated/org/objectweb/ccm/sample/SampleSessionComposition/' has been generated
cidl_cif 0.60.6: CIF implementations generated.

The generated_cif.idl file contains the local OMG IDL 2.4 interfaces mapping OMG CIDL definitions.

$ cat generated_cif.idl
. . .
#pragma prefix ""
module sample
    module SampleSessionComposition
        local interface CIF_HomeImpl;
        local interface CIF_SegmentBase;
        local interface CIF_ComponentImpl;

        local interface CIF_HomeImpl
                      : ::sample::CCM_MyHome
        local interface CIF_SegmentBase
            ::sample::CCM_MyComponent_Context get_context();
            ::sample::SampleSessionComposition::CIF_ComponentImpl get_main_segment();
        local interface CIF_ComponentImpl
                      : ::sample::SampleSessionComposition::CIF_SegmentBase,



The generated OMG IDL interfaces are implemented by the generated HomeImpl and ComponentImpl Java classes.

$ ls generated/org/objectweb/ccm/sample/SampleSessionComposition/

These generated classes are the home and component executor skeletons which must be inherited by the business implementation classes.

The cidl_cif script supports the following options:

-h or
Display usage and help information, and exit.
--versionOutput version information and exit.
--silentSilent output messages.
--cpp pathSet the path to the external C preprocessor used.
-PInhibit generation of #-lines with line-number information.
Define NAME as DEF, default is 1.
-UNAMERemove any definition for NAME
-IDIRPut DIR in the include file search path.
-o outputfileSet the output file name, default is generated_cif.idl.
-ipath fileAdd a #include "file" statement where file must be the complete file path.
-d outputdirGenerate Java implementations into directory outputdir, default is generated/.

To obtain usage and help information, do:

$ cidl_cif --help
Usage: cidl_cif [-h|--help] [--version] [--silent] [--cpp path]
                [-P] [-DNAME|-DNAME=DEF] [-UNAME] [-IDIR]
                [-o outputfile] [-ipath file] [-d outputdir] file

  -h, --help         Display this information and exit
  --version          Output version information and exit
  --silent           Silent output messages
  --cpp path         Set the path to the external C preprocessor used
  -P                 Inhibit generation of #-lines with line-number information
  -DNAME, -DNAME=DEF Define NAME as DEF, default is 1
  -UNAME             Remove any definition for NAME
  -IDIR              Put DIR in the include file search path
  -o outputfile      Set the output file name, default is generated_cif.idl
  -ipath file        Add a #include "file" statement where
                     file must be the complete file path
  -d outputdir       Generate Java implementations into directory <outputdir>,
                     default is generated/

  Compile an OMG CIDL file and generate its associated:
  - local CIF interfaces
  - Java component and home executor skeletons


To obtain version information, do:

$ cidl_cif --version
OpenCCM cidl_cif 0.6

Copyright (C) 2000-2003 INRIA - USTL - LIFL - GOAL
. . .

By default, the cidl_cif script displays messages. To silent this output messages, do:

$ cidl_cif --silent test/sample.cidl

By default, the cidl_cif script uses an internal preprocessor written in Java. However, it is possible to use any external C/C++ preprocessor, e.g.:

$ cidl_cif --cpp /usr/bin/cpp test/sample.cidl
. . .

Note that the standard -P, -D, -U and -I options for the C/C++ preprocessor could be passed as arguments to cidl_cif before the file name, e.g.:

$ cidl_cif -DFOO -Itest test/sample.cidl
. . .

By default, the cidl_cif script generates the CIDL to OMG IDL mapping into the generated_cif.idl file.
However, this script can produce the output into a file specified by the -o outputfile option, e.g.:

$ cidl_cif -o mapping.idl test/sample.cidl
. . .
$ cat mapping.idl
. . .

Using the -ipath flag produces a user #include statement at the begin of the generated OMG IDL 2.4 file, e.g.:

$ cidl_cif -ipath file.idl test/sample.cidl
. . .
$ cat generated_cif.idl
. . .
#include "file.idl"
. . .

By default, the cidl_cif script generates the Java component and home executor skeleton classes into the generated/ directory.
However, the -d outputdir option allows one to specify another directory, e.g.:

$ cidl_cif -d mapping test/sample.cidl
. . .
$ ls mapping/org/objectweb/ccm/sample/SampleSessionComposition/

When some preprocessing options are often used, e.g. -IAnIncludeDir, -DTheMacro, then they could be set by default in the xml/launcher/CIDLtoCIF.xml file if they are specific to the cidl_cif script or in the xml/launcher/Compiler.xml file if they are required by all compilation scripts.

Warning: The good way to generate CIF mapping is as following:

  1. ir3_feed <file.idl3>
  2. ir3_feed <file.psdl3>
  3. ir3_feed <file.cidl3>

PSDL and CIDL files should have an import statement to access feeded declarations.

Compiling a file and regenerating the OMG CIDL part only

The cidl script allows one to compile a file and regenerate the OMG CIDL part only, e.g.:

$ cidl test/sample.cidl
cidl 0.6: Reading from file test/sample.cidl...
cidl 0.6: Preprocessing file test/sample.cidl...
cidl 0.6: File test/sample.cidl preprocessed.
cidl 0.6: Compiling test/sample.cidl file...
cidl 0.6: Compilation completed: 0 warning.
cidl 0.6: Generating CIDL from test/sample.cidl...
cidl 0.6: CIDL generated in generated.cidl.

By default, the cidl script regenerates the generated.cidl file.

$ cat generated.cidl
. . .
#pragma prefix ""
module sample

    composition session SampleSessionComposition
        home executor HomeImpl
            implements ::sample::MyHome;
            manages ComponentImpl;


The cidl script supports the following options:

-h or
Display usage and help information, and exit.
--versionOutput version information and exit.
--silentSilent output messages.
--cpp pathSet the path to the external C preprocessor used.
-PInhibit generation of #-lines with line-number information.
Define NAME as DEF, default is 1.
-UNAMERemove any definition for NAME
-IDIRPut DIR in the include file search path.
-o outputfileSet the output file name, default is generated.cidl.

To obtain usage and help information, do:

$ cidl --help
Usage: cidl [-h|--help] [--version] [--silent]
            [--cpp path] [-P] [-DNAME|-DNAME=DEF] [-UNAME] [-IDIR]
            [-o outputfile] file

  -h, --help         Display this information and exit
  --version          Output version information and exit
  --silent           Silent output messages
  --cpp path         Set the path to the external C preprocessor used
  -P                 Inhibit generation of #-lines with line-number information
  -DNAME, -DNAME=DEF Define NAME as DEF, default is 1
  -UNAME             Remove any definition for NAME
  -IDIR              Put DIR in the include file search path
  -o outputfile      Set the output file name, default is generated.cidl

  Compile a file and regenerate the OMG CIDL part only


To obtain version information, do:

$ cidl --version
OpenCCM cidl 0.6

Copyright (C) 2000-2003 INRIA - USTL - LIFL - GOAL
. . .

By default, the cidl script displays messages. To silent this output messages, do:

$ cidl --silent test/sample.cidl

By default, the cidl script uses an internal preprocessor written in Java. However, it is possible to use any external C/C++ preprocessor, e.g.:

$ cidl --cpp /usr/bin/cpp test/sample.cidl
. . .

Note that the standard -P, -D, -U and -I options for the C/C++ preprocessor could be passed as arguments to cidl before the file name, e.g.:

$ cidl -DFOO -Itest test/sample.cidl
. . .

By default, the cidl script regenerates the OMG CIDL file into the generated.cidl file.
However, this script can produce the output into a file specified by the -o outputfile option, e.g.:

$ cidl -o tmp.cidl test/sample.cidl
. . .
$ cat tmp.cidl
. . .

When some preprocessing options are often used, e.g. -IAnIncludeDir, -DTheMacro, then they could be set by default in the xml/launcher/CIDLtoCIDL.xml file if they are specific to the cidl script or in the xml/launcher/Compiler.xml file if they are required by all compilation scripts.

Compiling a file and regenerating the OMG PSDL part only

The psdl script allows one to compile a file and regenerate the OMG PSDL part only, e.g.:

$ cat test/sample.psdl
// This file is the OMG PSDL example used in the OpenCCM User's Guide.
#pragma prefix ""
module sample
  storagetype ST {};
  storagehome SH of ST {};
$ psdl test/sample.psdl
psdl 0.6: Reading from file test/sample.psdl...
psdl 0.6: Preprocessing file test/sample.psdl...
psdl 0.6: File test/sample.psdl preprocessed.
psdl 0.6: Compiling test/sample.psdl file...
psdl 0.6: Compilation completed: 0 warning.
psdl 0.6: Generating PSDL from test/sample.psdl...
psdl 0.6: PSDL generated in generated.psdl.

By default, the psdl script regenerates the generated.psdl file.

$ cat generated.psdl
. . .
#pragma prefix ""
module sample
    storagetype ST;

    storagetype ST
    storagehome SH
                of ::sample::ST


The psdl script supports the following options:

-h or
Display usage and help information, and exit.
--versionOutput version information and exit.
--silentSilent output messages.
--cpp pathSet the path to the external C preprocessor used.
-PInhibit generation of #-lines with line-number information.
Define NAME as DEF, default is 1.
-UNAMERemove any definition for NAME
-IDIRPut DIR in the include file search path.
-o outputfileSet the output file name, default is generated.psdl.

To obtain usage and help information, do:

$ psdl --help
Usage: psdl [-h|--help] [--version] [--silent]
            [--cpp path] [-P] [-DNAME|-DNAME=DEF] [-UNAME] [-IDIR]
            [-o outputfile] file

  -h, --help         Display this information and exit
  --version          Output version information and exit
  --silent           Silent output messages
  --cpp path         Set the path to the external C preprocessor used
  -P                 Inhibit generation of #-lines with line-number information
  -DNAME, -DNAME=DEF Define NAME as DEF, default is 1
  -UNAME             Remove any definition for NAME
  -IDIR              Put DIR in the include file search path
  -o outputfile      Set the output file name, default is generated.psdl

  Compile a file and regenerate the OMG PSDL part only


To obtain version information, do:

$ psdl --version
OpenCCM psdl 0.6

Copyright (C) 2000-2003 INRIA - USTL - LIFL - GOAL
. . .

By default, the psdl script displays messages. To silent this output messages, do:

$ psdl --silent test/sample.psdl

By default, the psdl script uses an internal preprocessor written in Java. However, it is possible to use any external C/C++ preprocessor, e.g.:

$ psdl --cpp /usr/bin/cpp test/sample.psdl
. . .

Note that the standard -P, -D, -U and -I options for the C/C++ preprocessor could be passed as arguments to psdl before the file name, e.g.:

$ psdl -DFOO -Itest test/sample.psdl
. . .

By default, the psdl script regenerates the OMG PSDL file into the generated.psdl file.
However, this script can produce the output into a file specified by the -o outputfile option, e.g.:

$ psdl -o tmp.psdl test/sample.psdl
. . .
$ cat tmp.psdl
. . .

When some preprocessing options are often used, e.g. -IAnIncludeDir, -DTheMacro, then they could be set by default in the xml/launcher/PSDLtoPSDL.xml file if they are specific to the psdl script or in the xml/launcher/Compiler.xml file if they are required by all compilation scripts.

Copyright © 1999-2005, ObjectWeb Consortium | contact | webmaster | Last modified at 2005-07-07 02:04 PM