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OpenCCM CVS Modules


Contains a set of benchmarking tools for CORBA, EJB, Fractal, ICE, OpenCCM, ProActive, RMI, Web Services and XML-RPC.


Former version of the Explorer framework. Some of the OpenCCM Platform modules still depend on this version, though the Explorer framework is far more advanced.

CCM Explorer

This is a customization of the Explorer framework allowing to explore CCM objects.

COACH Tracing

IST-COACH supported tracing service mainly provided by Lucent Technologies. Consists of a server for trace capture, and a set of generators for reactors components to an IDL defined CCM component.


This is a micro HTTP server. It is currently used for publication of CORBA references to allow distributed executions.


CORBA dedicated module, providing OMG's IDL files specifying the CORBA Component Model and services. This module is also in charge of the ORB configuration and wraps the IDL compilers.


IST-COACH supported deployment tools for the OpenCCM Platform. The Distributed Computing Infrastructure is a CCM components based architecture for CCM components based applications deployment.


IST-COACH supported demonstrator, the Element Management Framework is a CCM based network management application provided by Intracom.


Repository for all classic demonstrators of the OpenCCM Platform. Amongst basic demos can be found the OMG's Dining Philosophers scenario demonstration.


Framework for building Explorer graphic user interfaces.


Framework for configuration and launching JVM instances.


Osmose supported C++ lightweight CCM implementation. This module is provided by THALES teams.


This module provides core parts of the platform like the runtime, but also some material formerly shipped with OpenCCM that have not found a dedicated module in the CVS for the moment.

Packaging Assembling Tool

Provides OMG's CCM DTDs for deployment, and Java parsers for relative XML files. Also provide a graphical tool for the packaging of CCM components and assemblies in the OpenCCM Platform.


Everything needed to run the OpenCCM Platform on a Java enabled Personal Digital Assistant.


The OpenCCM Production Chain, which includes an OMG IDL/PSDL/CIDL parser, Abstract Syntaxic Tree, Interface Repository for components, CIDL / IDL2 / IDL3 / PSDL / Java generators and ANT tasks. This module provides OpenCCM's extension of the Components specification.


The Persistency State Service module handles generators and wrappers for implementations of the OMG's CosPersistency spec.


Everything needed to use OpenCCM with UML case tools.


This module is a repository for various tools provided as externals libraries, and also provides ObjectWeb utilitary frameworks developped within the OpenCCM project.

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